Prince-George's county, shall have the effect to convey all the right, title, claim and interest, both
at law and in equity, which he the said William Warman Berry had at the time of his death in the
land mentioned hi the said deed to have been thereby bargained and sold, and shall be a bar to any
claim of dower by the said widow of the said William Warman Berry, or the right of any person
claiming as his legal representatives, which deed or deeds, to be executed by the commissioners, shall
be acknowledged and recorded in the manner and within the time limitted by law in the case of other
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the widow, or any one of the said children of the said Wil-
liam Warman Berry, should die before the sale of the said land, or before the portion to which suck
widow or child may be entitled, shall have been paid over, then the part or portion of the person
so dying shall be paid over by the said commissioners to his or her legal representatives.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT confirming to Margaret Ringgold the Title of a Lot of Land
on South-East Creek, in Queen-Anne's County.
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly, that the justices of the peace for
Queen-Anne's county, in the year seventeen hundred and ninety-two, under the provisions
of an act of assembly, entitled, An act to regulate the inspection of tobacco, passed at November
session, in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-nine, purchased from a certain John Tippins, of
Queen-Anne's county, a quantity of land, not exceeding two acres, lying and being in Queen-Anne's
county, on South-East creek, at a place called Tippins's Granary, and did erect a warehouse on the
same, agreeably to the provisions of the said act, and that the certificate of the said land, directed
to be made out and returned by the county surveyor to the clerk of Queen-Anne's county, to be
recorded, has been lost, and that the levy court of Queen-Anne's county, under an order by them
made, on the twelfth of May, eighteen hundred and seven, sold the premises to Margaret Ringgold,
of Queen-Anne's county, according to the provisions of an act of assembly, passed November ses-
sion, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, chapter seventy-one, and that the said levy court, (the
purchase money being paid, ) have executed a deed for the said land, according to the original loca-
tion of the same, made under the purchase from the said John Tippins; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said deed, from the said levy-
court to the said Margaret Ringgold, shall be deemed and construed to pass as good and perfect a
title in the said land and premises to the said Margaret Ringgold, her heirs and assigns, for ever, as
if the aforesaid certificate had been recorded among the records of said county, provided the said deed
be recorded in the records of Queen-Anne's county in six months from the time of its execution.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT concerning Crimes and Punishments.
WHEREAS it frequently happens, that men resigning themselves to the dominion of inordinate
passion, commit great violations upon the lives, liberties or property, of others, which it is the
great business of the laws to protect and secure, and experience evinces that the surest way of pre-
venting the perpetration of crimes, and of reforming offenders, is by a mild and justly proportioned
scale of punishments; therefore,
II. B s IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the offences herein after mentioned
against the government and the supremacy of the laws, shall be punished in manner following; that
is to say, 1st. Every person duly convicted of the crime of high treason against the state, shall suf-
fer death by hanging by the neck, or be sentenced to undergo a confinement in the penitentiary-house
herein after mentioned for a period not less than six nor more than twenty years, at the discretion
of the court, and shall be kept therein at hard labour, or in solitude, and shall in all things be treat-
ed and dealt with as is herein after directed. 2d. Every free negro, mulatto or slave, who shall be
duly convicted of actually raising, and every white person who shall he duly convicted of actually
raising, with any free negro, mulatto or slave, insurrection or rebellion in this state, shall suffer
death by hanging by the neck, and every free negro, mulatto or slave, who shall be duly convicted
of consulting, conspiring, or attempting to raise, and every white person who shall be duly
convicted of consulting, conspiring, or attempting, with any free negro, mulatto or slave, to raise,
insurrection or rebellion in this state, shall be sentenced to undergo a confinement in the said peni-
tentiary for a period of time not less than six or more than twenty years, to be treated in all re-
spects as herein after directed. 3d, Every person who shall be duly convicted of the crime of coun-
terfeiting the great seal of this state for the time being, or the seal of any court, or any other pub-