If. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the treasurers of the western and
eastern shores respectively, be and they are hereby authorised and required to order and direct suit
or suits to be brought immediately against such debtor or debtors for debts due to this state as they
may deem necessary, right and proper, having a reference to the validity thereof, and also to prose-
cute, and to continue to final issue and determination, all such suit or suits already brought and still
depending for debts due to the state, as they may think adviseable and proper.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it any clerk, sheriff or collector, of any county of this state,
shall hereafter refuse or neglect to pay unto the treasurer of the shore to whom the same ought to be
paid, any monies of the said state in the hands of the said clerk, sheriff or collector, at the time
limitted by law for the payment thereof, and to render and settle his accounts with the said treasu-
rer, it shall be, and it is hereby expressly declared to be, the duty of the said treasurer, within three
months thereafter, to order and direct suit or suits to be instituted and commenced on the said clerk's,
sheriff's and collector's bond, respectively, for the recovery of all monies so due and owing.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the treasurer of the western or eastern shore respectively, upon,
the ordering any such suit or suits, may appoint any attorney to such suit or suits so dire6\ed to be
brought, prosecuted or continued, as aforesaid; provided, that ail monies to be recovered in said
suits shall paid to the treasurer of the western or eastern shore, and to no other person or per-
sons whatsoever.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any clerk of any county court upon whose bond judgment shall
be entered as aforesaid, and execution shall be issued, shall not pay the monies -me thereon to the-
respective treasurer for two successive terms to which said execution shall be returnable, such de-
fault shall be, and the same is hereby declare to be, misbehaviour in office, within the meaning of
the constitution, and shall be prosecuted as such; and it shall be the duty of the respective county
courts to give the same in charge to the grand jury of their counties respectively.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED. That a statement of the proceedings of the said treasurers respective-
ly, in pursuance of this act, be annually paid before the legislature.
An ACT to incorporate a Company to make a Turnpike Road from
near Ellicott's lower Mills towards George-Town, in the District of
BE IT ENACTED, by t be General Assembly of Maryland, That a company be incorporated to make a
turnpike road from where the road leading from Montgomery court-house to Baltimore inter-
sects the Baltimore and Frederick-town turnpike road near Ellicott's lower mills, in a direction to-
wards George-town, until it intersects the line of the district of Columbia, and so that it shall cross
Rock creek at not less than three miles above George-town, to be located by the president and ma-
nagers that may hereafter be chosen under this act.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That subscription books be opened for a capital stock of one hundred
thousand dollars, in shares of twenty dollars each, and that subscriptions be taken for thirty thou-
sand dollars in the city of Baltimore, under the direction of William Lorman, George F. Warfield,
Nicholas Ridgely, Andrew Ellicott and Philip E. Thomas, or any three of them, for ten thousand
dollars at Ellicott's lower mills, under the direction of John Ellicott, Richard Ridgely, Benjamin
Palmer, Richard Owings and Edward Pew, or any three of them; for ten thousand dollars at Ed-
ward Berry's store, in Montgomery county, under the direction of Henry Gaither, Bernard Gilpin,
James A. Beall, doctor John Bowie and William Carroll, or any three of them; and at George-town,
district of Columbia, for the remainder, under the direction or" John Mason, William Stuart, Tho-
mas Beall, of George, Thomas Plater and John Teakle, or any three of them; who are hereby ap-
pointed commissioners for the purposes aforesaid who shall, on or before the first day of May next,
procure books, and in each enter as Follows, to wit: We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do
promise to pay to the pre-sident and managers of the Columbia turnpike road company, the sum of twen-
ty dollars for every share of stock in the said company set opposite to our respective names. Witness
our hands, this —— day of ——, eighteen hundred and ——; and shall give notice in two of the
public papers in Baltimore, and two in the district of Columbia, for one month at leas', of the times
when, and the place where, the said books will be opt n to receive subscriptions of stock for the said
company, at which times and places at least three of the said respective commissioners shall attend,
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.