therein, hereafter made by any body politic or corporate of any foreign state, kingdom or country, or by
any company or copartnership of foreigners, or by any person or persons not residing in this state,
or authorised by a law of this state, or some one of the United States, or of the territories thereof,
to make such insurance, shall be, and the same are hereby declared to be, utterly null and void in
any court of law or equity of this state.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person or persons shall make or renew any kind of insurance
against fire on property within this state, or insurance on the life or lives of any person or persons
residing therein, or insurance on the inland transportation of any goods, wares, merchandise or
country produce, transported into or out of this state, at the risk of any person or persons residing
therein, on the account er in behalf, or as agent or agents of, any body politic or corporate of
any foreign state, kingdom or country, or of any company or copartnership of foreigners, or of any
person or persons not residing in this state, or authorised by a law of this state, or some one of the
United States, or of the territories thereof, to make such insurance, every person or persons so of-
fending shall forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars for every such offence, the one half to
the informer, the other half to the use of the state, to be recovered by action of debt.
An ACT authorising the Sale of a Lot, Piece or Parcel of Ground,
lately possessed by Jeoffry Dillon Shanley in the City of Baltimore.
WHEREAS James Stewart, of the city of Baltimore, by his petition to this general assembly,
has set forth, that a certain Jeoffry Dillon Shanley, formerly of Baltimore city, now deceased,
by his will directed his executors therein mentioned to sell a part of a lot of ground situate in Balti-
more city aforesaid, and to pay the proceeds of the sale to a certain James Dillon Shanley, son of
the testator; that doubts existing whether the said lot of ground was not liable to escheat, the said
Stewart obtained from the land-office a warrant of escheat to affect said land, and he now prays the
legislature to release the interest of the state in said part of a lot of ground, and to authorise the
executors of said Jeoffry Dillon Shanley to sell the said ground according to the directions of the will;
and the prayer of said petition being reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That James Stewart, who hath survived
Francis Beeston, one of the executors named in the will of Jeoffry Dillon Shanley, be and he is here-
by authorised to sell, for the purposes expressed in the will of said Jeoffry Dillon Shanley, all the
interest which the said Jeoffry Dillon Shanley had in part of a lot of ground and premises lying in
the city of Baltimore, on the east side of Jone's Fails, and distinguished by the number of forty-one,
and upon receipt of the purchase money execute a deed therefor to the purchaser, and the purchaser
under said deed shall be seized of all the interest and estate which the said testator at the time of
his death had in said part of a lot of ground, free, clear and discharged, from all right which the
state may have acquired therein by escheat as aforesaid.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT for the relief of Oliver Burch Suit, of Prince-George's
County, an Insolvent Debtor.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That any three justices of the peace of
Prince-George's county, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, without the said
Oliver Burch Suit's being committed to gaol, and remaining therein for the period of time required
by law, to extend and afford to the said Oliver Burch Suit all the benefits, advantages and provisions,
of the act of assembly passed at March session, one thousand seven hundred and seventy four, en-
titled, An act for the relief of insolvent debtors, and of the several acts supplementary thereto, in
the same manner, and upon the same terms and conditions, as if the said Oliver Burch Suit had
been committed to gaol and remained therein for the period of time required by law as aforesaid.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT to make valid a Deed from William D. Glover, of Dor-
chester County, to Henrietta Glover, now Henrietta Rich, of Ca-
roline County.
WHEREAS William Rich, and Henrietta his wife, (formerly Henrietta Glover, ) of Caroline
county, have set forth, by their petition to this general assembly, that a deed was duly exe-
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.