vessels navigating said river above said bridge to lie at security, and all vessels waiting for a passage
through the said draw may be at such wharf free of charge, until a suitable opportunity offers of pass-
ing through said draw; and the said company shall, at their own cost and without toll, cause the
draw or passage way to be hoisted or removed without delay for the passage of all vessels with masts
that are unable to pass under the same, and if, through the unskilfulness or negligence of the person
or persons employed by the said company to hoist or remove the said draw, any vessel shall be un-
justly or unreasonably hindered, delayed, or shall be damaged in her hull, spars or rigging, in pass-
ing the said draw, the said company shall be liable to the master, or the owner or owners of such
vessel, for damages, to be ascertained and recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction; and the
said company shall constantly keep the said bridge furnished with four good lamps, to be well sup-
plied with oil, and lighted in due season, and be kept burning through the night, under the penalty
of five dollars for each offence, to be recovered by warrant, before any justice of the peace, by such
person or persons as shall sue for the same.
XIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the shares in said company shall be deemed personal and not
real property, and shall be liable to be attached or taken by fieri facias, to satisfy the debt due from
any individual holding such shares, in like manner as other personal property may be.
XIV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the duty of the said corporation to keep the said
bridge in repair, and if, in neglect of their said duty, the said corporation shall at any time suffer
said bridge to be out of repair, so as to be unsafe or inconvenient for passengers, the said corporation
shall be liable to be presented for such neglect before any court of competent jurisdiction, and upon
conviction thereof to pay to the state of Maryland a penalty, not exceeding five hundred dollars, at
the discretion of the court, and shall be responsible for all damages which may be sustained by any
person or persons in consequence of such want of repair, to be recovered in an- action or actions of
trespass on the case, in any court competent to try the same.
XV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in consideration of the risk and expense to be incurred by the
said company in erecting the said bridge, and keeping the same in repair, the said bridge, and all the
profits of the same, shall be and hereby are vested in the president and directors aforesaid, and their
successors, to and for the use and benefit of the stockholders aforesaid, in proportion to their respec-
tive shares of stock in the said company, and the same shall be and remain exempt from any tax or
appraisement whatever.
XVI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall and may be lawful for the said president and directors
for the time being, to demand and receive tolls at the said bridge, not exceeding the following rates,
which tolls shall not be altered oftener than once a year, and those payable shall at all times be made
public at the said bridge, to wit: For every coach, chariot, phaeton, stage or other carriage of plea-
sure, drawn by four horses, with four wheels, two dollars and fifty cents; for the like carriages with
two horses, one dollar and fifty cents; for a wagon with four horses, one dollar and fifty cents; for
a wagon with two horses, one dollar; for every chaise, riding chair, gig, cart or other two wheeled
carriage, with two horses, one dollar; for the like carriages with one horse, seventy-five cents;
for one horse and rider, fifty cents, for a single horse or mule, twelve and one half cents; for every
foot passenger, twelve and an half cents; for every head of horned cattle, twelve and an half cents;
for every sheep and hog, three and one eighth cents; and for all such carriages drawn by oxen in the
whole, or partly by horses and partly by oxen, two oxen shall be estimated as equal to one horse, and
every mule as equal to one horse, in the charge of said tollage.
XVII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That at the end of every half year after the said bridge shall be
ere6ted, the president and directors aforesaid for the time being shall make and declare dividends of
the tolls or profits arising therefrom amongst the several stockholders in the said company, in pro-
portion to their respective shares of stock, and shall pay over such dividends, when demanded, to
the person or persons entitled to the same.
XVIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all the powers and duties herein before given to, or imposed
upon, the president and directors aforesaid, shall and may be exercised and performed by a majority
of them.
XIX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the assent of this state be and the same is hereby given to the
United States to take and hold stock in the said company, and to subscribe for the same in such man-
ner as they may direct and appoint.