VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the agent or agents, or any other person or persons appointed
by the managers, are hereby authorised to dispose of and sell ail or any of the tickets of said lottery
in any part of this state, any regulation, law or usage, of any part or parts, place or places thereof,
to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the law to which this is a supplement, and the supplement for-
merly passed thereto, be and they are hereby repealed, so far as the same be inconsistent with, or
repugnant to, this law.
An ACT for the benefit of Elizabeth Barnet, of Washington County.
WHEREAS Elizabeth Barnet, of Washington county, by her petition to this general assembly,
hath set forth, that she is a widow with nine children, and without the means of support,
except from _ her personal labour, which is arduous and hard, and withal inadequate to the demands
of her family, and in addition to her poverty, her situation is rendered more distressing and deplora-
ble, two or her daughters, who are twins, about fifteen years of age, are idiots, and have been so
from their infancy, by which misfortune they are debarred from obtaining a livelihood, and must
either perish by famine or repair to the poor's house of the said county, where their afflictions and
infirmities would be deprived of the attention of a parent, which their unhappy situation requires,
and praying that the levy court of Washington county may levy a small sum of money to assist her
labours in the support of her numerous family; and the prayer thereof appearing reasonable, there-
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Washington coun-
ty shall be and they are hereby directed and empowered, at their annual levy, to assess and levy, on
the assessable property of said county, a sum of money, not exceeding thirty dollars, for the sup-
port and maintenance of the said Elizabeth Barnet, and that the same be collected annually by the
collector of Washington county, and paid to such person as the levy court of said county shall or
may direct.
Passed 6th of
Jan 1810.
An ACT to empower the Administrator of Joseph Baxter, late Sheriff
of Caecil County, to collect the Fees put into the hands of the said
Baxter for collection in his life-time.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of William Baxter, of
Caecil county, that Joseph Baxter, late sheriff of said county, early in the year eighteen
hundred and nine, received from sundry officers their fees to be collected, that after their receipt,
and before the time limitted by law for their delivery, the said Joseph Baxter departed this life, and
that the petitioner has taken out letters of administration on the estate of the said Joseph Baxter,
and upon examination of his public affairs, found great number of the accounts had not been delivered,
either by the said Joseph Baxter or his deputies, and the said deputies having refused to collect the
said fees, unless compelled to do so by law, and the petitioner praying an act may pass authorising
him, or those whom he may appoint, to deliver the said fees and proceed to collect the same; and
the prayer of the petition appearing reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That William Baxter, or such person or
persons as he may appoint, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to deliver the said
fees, and proceed to collect them by execution, if necessary, in the same manner as if they had been
delivered as the law directs; provided, that it shall be the duty of the said William Baxter, or those
whom he may appoint, before they proceed to execute or distrain the property of any person or per-
sons for taxes, officers fees or public dues, in virtue of this act, to deliver to such person or persons
chargeable with the same, at least thirty days previous to levying such execution or distress, an ac-
count, written in words at full length, of the taxes, officers, fees or public dues, demanded of him,
her or them, with an affidavit annexed, if required, that from the books and papers of the said Jo-
seph Baxter it doth not appear that any part thereof hath been received, and that he himself hath
not received any part, parcel, security or satisfaction for the same, directly or indirectly, (or if he
has received any, ) more than credit given, to the best of his knowledge.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.