owing to a mistake in the said deeds the said lot was therein described and conveyed by the name of
Lot Number Eighty-two instead of Lot Number Eighty: And whereas owing to the death of Henry
Bruner, the grantor aforesaid, and the removal of his heirs out of this. state, the possessors of the
said lot are unable to obtain a deed of confirmation for the same, and have, by their petition to this
general assembly, prayed relief in the premises; and the same appearing to be just and reasonable,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the right and title of the congrega-
tion of the said German or High Dutch Reformed Christian Church, in Frederick-town, and of Hen-
ry Bantz, Philip Rohr, Jacob Rohr, John Fouble and Christian Rohr, the petitioners aforesaid, in
and to said lot number eighty, now in their possession, in Frederick-town, shall be, and is hereby
declared to be, as good and available in law and equity as if the said original deed or deeds from
Henry Bruner, and the other conveyances under which the said petitioners hold or may have derived
their present possession therein, had described and conveyed the same by its true and proper name
of lot number eighty, lying and being in Frederick-town aforesaid.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT for the Sale of part of the real Estate of Conrad Eislen,
late of Baltimore County, deceased.
WHEREAS it hath been represented to this general assembly, by the petition of Mary Eislen
and William Raborg, administrators of the estate of the said Conrad Eislen, deceased, that
the said Conrad Eislen departed this life intestate, leaving a widow, the said Mary, and five infant
children, viz. Mary, John Conrad, Louisa, Caroline and Emily, to whom the real estate of the
said Conrad Eislen hath descended; that the said real estate consists of three houses and lots in the
city of Baltimore and a small tract or parcel of land containing about twenty-six acres; that the
said Conrad Eislen, at the time of his death, was indebted to sundry persons to the amount of about
six thousand dollars, which his personal estate is not sufficient to pay, and that it will be necessary
for the payment of the said debts, and the support, education and maintenance of the said children,
that a part of the real estate should be sold, and that it would conduce greatly to the interest and
advantage of the legal representatives of the said Conrad Eislen if the said piece or parcel of ground
in Baltimore county, containing about twenty-six acres, was directed to be sold for the benefit of the
parties interested, on the terms herein after prescribed; and the facts stated in the said petition ap-
pearing to be true, and the prayer thereof reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said William Raborg and Mary
Eislen, or the survivor of them, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, as trustees, to
set up and expose to public sale the lands and premises herein before mentioned, situate in Baltimore
county, after giving eight weeks notice thereof in two of the news-papers published in the city of
Baltimore, of the time and place of sale, and the said lands to sell, either together or in parcels, to
the highest bidder, on the following terms, to wit: The purchaser or purchasers thereof to pay one
fourth of the purchase money at the time of sale, one fourth thereof in six months, one fourth there-
of in nine months, and the remaining one fourth in twelve months, with interest from the day of
sale, the purchaser or purchasers to secure the payment thereof by giving bond, with two securities,
to be approved by the trustees aforesaid.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustees, or the survivor of them, on receipt of the
purchase money, shall, by a good and sufficient deed, duly executed and acknowledged agreeable to
law, grant, bargain and sell, make over and convey, to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, and his,
her or their heirs and assigns, for ever, all the right, title, interest and estate, of the said Mary
Eislen, the widow, and the said Mary, John Conrad, Louisa, Caroline and Emily Eislen, the chil-
dren, of the said Conrad Eislen, deceased, of, in and to, the lands and premises aforesaid; which
said purchaser or purchasers, and his, her or their heirs and assigns, on payment of the purchase
money and interest by them respectively due, shall have and hold the said lands and premises respec-
tively, free and clear of all claims and demands of the said Mary Eislen, the widow, Mary Eislen,
John Conrad Eislen, Louisa Eislen, Caroline Eislen and Emily Eislen, and each of them, and their
heirs, forever hereafter; provided nevertheless, that the said William Raborg and Mary Eislen,
before they proceed to said sale, shall give bond, payable to the state of Maryland, with two sureties
to be approved by the orphans court of Baltimore county, in the penalty of fifty thousand dollars,
conditioned for the faithful performance of the trusts in them vested by this act of assembly, and for
a compliance with all and every part thereof.