under the control and direction of the levy court, and by them applied towards defraying the county
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the aforesaid commissioners, or a majority of them, in case they
shall not reject the said road altogether, shall have power to alter the location thereof, if they in their
judgment shall deem the same necessary, and in such case a survey and plot thereof cause to be made
and returned to the clerk's office of said county, there to be recorded.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners of review, hereby appointed, shall have an al-
lowance of two dollars for each and every day they shall attend in discharge of their duties herein
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall. deter-
mine that the said road should not be opened, they are hereby directed to inquire if any, and if any,
what sum or sums of money has been paid to the persons over whose land the said road has passed,
as a compensation for the damages, which if it had been opened they would have sustained, and whe-
ther the sum or sums so paid was more than a just compensation, and how much more than a just com-,
pensation it may be, and to make a return thereof to the levy court of Harford county, who are
hereby authorised, empowered and directed, to appoint a suitable person to call upon the landholders
aforesaid, for the payment of such surplus sum or sums paid to them as may be returned by the said
commissioners, and if the said landholders shall neglect to pay, or cause to be paid, within six months
thereafter, to such person appointed as aforesaid, the sum or sums returned to be due, the levy court
aforesaid are directed either to sue or warrant for the same, as may seem to them to be proper and
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT to authorise and empower the Levy Court of Anne-Arun-
del County to assess and levy a sum of Money for the support and
maintenance of Elisha Porter and Achsah Porter, who are Idiots.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Anne-Arundel coun-
ty be and they are hereby authorised, so long as they shall see cause, to assess and levy on the
assessable property of said county, a sum of money, not exceeding twenty dollars, for the support and
maintenance of each or said idiots, Elisha Porter and Achsah Porter, and that the same be col-
lected, annually, by the collector or collectors of Anne-Arundel county, and paid to such person, for
the use of Elisha Porter and Achsah Porter, as the levy court of said county shall or may direct.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT authorising Doctor James Cocke to remove certain Negroes
into the State of Maryland.
WHEREAS the said James Cocke hath, by his petition set forth, that in the year eighteen hun-
dred and four, he removed from Virginia to this state, but being then undetermined as to the
place of his permanent residence, he did not avail himself of the power he enjoyed under the acts of
assembly, to bring into this state, at the time of his said removal, or within twelve months thereat
ter, certain negroes which he was entitled to, and possessed of, under the last will and testament of
his grand-father John Poythress, and his father James Cocke, and hath prayed that a law may pass,
authorising him to remove the said negroes, as slaves, from the state of Virginia into the state of
Maryland, in the same manner that he could have done at the time of his removal as aforesaid; and
the prayer of the said petition appearing reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said James Cocke be and he is
hereby authorised and empowered, at any time or times within twelve months after the passage of
this act, to remove and bring into this state the said negro slaves, or any of them, and their issue,
in the same manner that he might or could have done at the time of his own removal herein, any law
to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding, provided the said doctor James Cocke register
the said negroes, and their issue, in Baltimore county court, in the same manner as he by law would
have been compelled to do had he have brought them into this state within one year after his remo-
val from Virginia as aforesaid, and provided said negroes be of that description allowed by the laws
of this state to be removed and brought into this state.