trustee or trustees, or otherwise, alter and improve the property or estate of the said Nathan Grif-
fith, and sell and convert the same into ether property, as they shall judge most likely to produce a
permanent fund for the maintenance of the said Nathan Griffith, and the conveyances and titles to
such other property receive and hold for the purposes in this act mentioned.
VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said orphans court shall have full power and authority, and
they are hereby directed and required, to appoint the said trustee or trustees, or such other person
or persons as the said court may judge most eligible, to be the future guardian or guardians of the
person and estate of the said Nathan Griffith, on such terms and conditions, and for such length of
time, as the said court shall determine, and the said court shall have full power and authority to re-
move the said guardian or guardians, and to appoint other guardian or guardians, and order and direct
the place and manner in which he or they shall keep and maintain the said Nathan Griffith, at the
discretion of the said court, and the successors thereof; and the said guardian or guardians shall
have full power and authority, under the direction of the said court, to ask, demand, sue for and
recover, all the rents, interests, issues and profits, which shall hereafter arise on the estate of the
said Nathan Griffith, and which shall become due and owing to him from the property, stocks or ef-
fects, purchased for his benefit, agreeable to this act, and to give receipts or acquittances for the
same, or for any part thereof, and the proceeds of all such rents, interests, issues and profits, apply
and lay out for the necessary maintenance of the said Nathan Griffith, exhibiting to the said orphans
court, at least once in every year, on oath, a true and correct account of his or their receipts, and
of his or their expenditures, with the vouchers, to be by the said court examined and passed, or cor-
rected, as to the said court shall appear just and proper, and if there be a surplus of income over and
above the necessary expenditure for the maintenance of the said Nathan Griffith, the said court may,
at their discretion, order the same to be employed to promote the convenience of the person of the
said Nathan Griffith, or improve his estate.
IX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed to impair the
future rights of the next of kin to the said Nathan Griffith, further than the support and convenience
of his person, whilst an idiot, shall require, but that all property and effects which shall belong
to the said Nathan Griffith at the time of his decease, shall descend co his lawful heirs, in the same
manner as if this law had not passed.
X. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all and every of the trustee or trustees, guardian or guardians, to
be appointed in pursuance of this act, before they enter on the duties thereof, shall give bond to the
state of Maryland, in such sums, and with such security or securities, as the orphans court of Balti-
more county shall determine, for the faithful performance of each and every of the trusts reposed in
them; which bond or bonds shall be recorded in the said court, and put in force by the members
thereof, or their successors, when default shall arise on the part of said trustee or trustees, guardian
or guardians, for the benefit of the said Nathan Griffith's estate.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT to incorporate the Baltimore Carpenters Humane Society.
WHEREAS James Heyden, Joseph Walter, James Morton, Peter Mason, Joshua Fort, Jacob
Slappy, William K. Gallaway, Isaac Woodworth, James Norris, William Fisher, John Dohm,
Richard Kirk, Stephen Waters, William Robinson, Alexis Logan, John Stewart, John Kelpatrick,
William Sankey, and others, have formed themselves into a society, the principal object of which is
to raise a fund for the purpose of relieving such of their members, their widows and orphans, as may
be by sickness, or other unavoidable circumstances, reduced to indigence and distress, and for other
laudable purposes, they have prayed an act of incorporation; and the legislature, thinking it right and
proper to encourage such benevolent institutions, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That James Heyden, James Morton, Pe-
ter Mason, Joshua Fort, Jacob Slappy, William K. Gallaway, Isaac Woodworth, James Norris,
William Fisher, John Dohm, Richard Kirk, Stephen Waters, William Robinson, Alexis Logan, John
Stewart, John Kelpatrick, William Sankey, and others that now are, or maybe hereafter become,
subscribers and contributors to the said corporation, and may be admitted into the same agreeably to
the rules and by-laws thereof, and their successors, are hereby declared to be one community, cor-
poration and body politic, for ever, by the name of The Baltimore Carpenters Humane Society, and
by the same name they and their successors shall and may have perpetual succession, and shall and
may, at all times hereafter, be persons able and capable in law to purchase, take, have and enjoy, to
them and their successors, in fee or less estate or estates, any lands, tenements, rents, annuities,