cedure; therefore RESOLVED, That the conduct of Francis James Jackson, in charging the executive with closing
the late negotiation with his predecessor, Mr. Erskine, under a perfect knowledge that the powers vested in him
were not commensurate to the object, was a violation of the decorum and respect due the American government.
RESOLVED, That after the explicit and repeated declarations of the president, (through the proper organ of
communication, ) that he had no knowledge of any want of power in Mr. Erskine to conclude the late negotia-
tion, and that if such knowledge had existed the arrangement would not have been made, that then the reitera-
tion of the original charge was in effect to add insult to injury.
RESOLVED, That the circular letter, bearing the signature of the said Francis James Jackson, is an additional
proof of the disrespect and contempt which has marked the conduct of that minister towards the American go-
vernment, and is highly calculated to rouse the indignant spirit of an independent people.
RESOLVED, That the suspicion expressed b) Francis James Jackson, through Charles Oakly, his Britannic
majesty's secretary of legation, for the personal safety of himself and suite, intimates an abandonment, on our
part, of the most sacred principle of the law of nations, and contains an unwarrantable reflection upon the peo-
ple of the United States.
RESOLVED, That our senators in congress be instructed, and the representatives be requested, and they are
hereby instructed and requested, to support the government or our country in whatever consequences may flow
from the dismissal of Francis James Jackson, the British minister; and to carry those measures into effect which
that almost unprecedented and unfortunate occurrence may make it necessary to adopt, this legislature, repre-
senting the free and independent yeomanry of Maryland, pledges itself for them in their property, their lives
and their sacred honours.
RESOLVED, That the court of Allegany county be and they are hereby authorised and required to contract
with some person or persons, (taking bond with security for due performance, ) for the expending of two thousand
dollars, in such manner as the court shall direct, and to the best advantage, in opening and making passable
the road already laid off and located, in the nearest direction from Hancock to Cumberland, which said sum the
treasurer of the western shore is hereby directed and required to pay to the order or orders of the said court,
out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
RESOLVED, That William C. Goldsmith, Abraham Cole, John S. Belt, John Clendenen and William White-
ford, be and they are hereby appointed to examine the situation of the neighbourhood lying between Slade's
tavern and the upper cross roads, and that they report to the next general assembly, whether a road commencing
at a public road at or near Thomas Hope's, and thence running until it intersects the road leading from Slade's
tavern to Cromwell's bridge, would, if opened and laid out, be conducive to the public convenience, and if the
said commissioners shall be of opinion that it would be proper to open the said road, that then they make a lo-
cation of the same, and return it, with their proceedings, to the general assembly as aforesaid.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby required to pay unto Ninian Pinkney,
clerk of the council, sixty dollars, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
RESOLVED, That the chancellor and the judges of the court of appeals be and they are hereby requested to
inquire, and report to the legislature at the next session, all such English statutes as existed at the time of the
first emigration of the people of this state into the same, and which by experience have been found applicable to
their local and other circumstances, and of such others as have been since made in England or Great-Britain,
and have been introduced, used and practised, by the courts of law or equity, and also all such parts of the
same as may be proper to be introduced and incorporated into the body of the statute law of this state.
RESOLVED, That the speaker of the house of delegates, and the president of the senate, be and they are
hereby requested, to forward a copy of the foregoing resolution to the chancellor and to each of the judges of the
court of appeals of this state.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised to pay unto Nicholas
Brewer, register of the court of chancery, the sum of one hundred and sixteen dollars and eighteen cents.
RESOLVED, That the register of the land-office of the western shore be and he is hereby directed to issue a
patent in fee to Cornelius Manning, the heir at law of Robert Manning, deceased, for the lots of land lying and
being in the Beaver Dam Manor, in Saint-Mary's county, the said lots of land so purchased of the state, and
paid for by Uriah Forrest and Philip Key, in behalf of Robert Manning, -deceased.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requested, and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to
employ some person to paint and make such repairs on the stadt-house, as they may think essential to the pre-
servation of the building, so far as the sum of one thousand dollars may suffice for that purpose, and that they
draw on the treasurer of the western shore for the said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the
. purpose aforesaid, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.