Tor the security of private property that the said records should be kept safe and secure, there-
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Talbot county
be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to employ a suitable person to transcribe into a
well bound blank book or books, with an alphabet, such as are generally used by the clerk of Talbot
county for that purpose, from Liber W. S. B. No. B. all the deeds and other instruments of writing
recorded in the said book, in a plain legible hand writing.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the person so employed shall proceed to copy the records
aforesaid, he shall take the following oath before some person authorised to administer an oath:
" I, A. B. do solemnly swear, or affirm, as the case may be, that I will make a true transcript from
" Liber W. S. B. No. B. of all the instruments of writing included in the said book, without muti-
" lation or alteration; so help me God. "
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the person employed as aforesaid shall be allowed for his services
aforesaid the sum of ten cents for each and every side which he shall copy, which said sums, as well
as the costs of the books aforesaid, shall be levied on the assessable property of Talbot county afore-
said, and collected in the same manner as other county charges are levied and collected, and when
levied and collected, the levy court are hereby directed to pay the same to the person by them em-
ployed for the purpose aforesaid, or to his order.
V. AND BE IT -ENACTED, That the person so employed by the levy court shall transcribe the
aforesaid book in the clerk's office of the county aforesaid..
An ACT to encourage the destruction of Crows in the several Coun-
ties therein mentioned.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Mary land \ That if any person residing in Dorchester
and Queen-Anne's counties, shall bring to any justice of the peace of the county in which such
person shall reside, the head or heads of any crow or crows, such person shall, for every such head,
be allowed in the county levy of said county the sum of ten cents; and the justices of the peace be-
fore whom such head or heads shall be brought, is hereby required to give the person bringing the
same a certificate thereof, and cause the said head or heads to be burnt, or otherwise destroyed.
II. PROVIDED. NEVERTHELESS, AND BE IT ENACTED, That no person whatsoever shall be enti-
tled for any allowance for any such head or heads without first making oath, or affirmation, as the
case may be, that such crow or crows was or were killed in the county where such certificate is ap-
plied for, and that no certificate hath been obtained from any other justice of the peace for the same;
and that it shall be the duty of each and every justice of the peace, before whom such head or heads
may be brought by virtue of this or any other act now existing for the destruction of crows, to take
and receive the oath or affirmation of the party bringing the same, free and clear from all charges a-
gainst the person or persons making such oath or affirmation, any thing in any law to the contrary
Passed 8th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT for the relief of Philip Hauptman, of Frederick-Town, in
in Frederick County.
WHEREAS it is represented that Philip Hauptman, of Frederick county, hath emigrated to
this state in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-five, when the age of ten years; that
he did not know or suppose it necessary to become naturalized, and having been informed that his pro-
perty is in danger, and subject to escheat, which might tend to his detriment and injury; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the estate of the said Philip Haupt-
man, be the same real, personal or mixed, fully and fairly acquired by purchase and conveyance, de-
vise, or in a course of distribution, be and the same is hereby amply and fully vested in the said Phi-
lip Hauptman, and his heirs, to all intents and purposes, in the same manner that it would have been
if the said Philip Hauptman had been duly naturalized at the time of his acquiring the same, or any
part thereof; provided always, that nothing in this act contained shall in any manner defeat or effect,
any right, title or claim, to trie said property, or any part thereof, acquired or prosecuted by any
person or persons whatsoever before the passage of this act; and provided also, that unless the said
Passed 8th of
Jan. 1810.