mulatto female slaves may hereafter be declared free after certain years of service, or at some speci-
fied age, or upon the performance of some condition: And whereas during such years of service, or
before the age specified for liberation, or before the performance of the condition may arrive, issue
of their body may be born: And whereas the state and condition of such issue seems not to be set-
tled with sufficient legal precision; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from and after the first day of Fe-
bruary, eighteen hundred and ten, if any negro or mulatto female slave, by testament or last will,
or deed of manumission, shall be declared to be free after any given period of service, or at any
stipulated, age, or upon the performance of any condition, or on the event of any contingency, it
shall be lawful for the person making such last will and testament, or executing such deed of ma-
numission, to fix and determine in the same the state and condition of the issue that may be born of
such negro or mulatto female slave during their period of service.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person after the first day of February aforesaid, shall
make a last will and testament, or execute any deed of manumission, whereby any negro or mulatto
female slave shall be declared free after a service for years, or at any specified age, or upon the per-
formance of any condition, or on the event of any contingency, and such. person, in their said last
will and testament, or deed of manumission, shall not fix or limit the state and condition of the
issue that may be born of such negro or mulatto female slave, that then the state and condition of
such issue shall be that of a slave, any law, usage or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed 7th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT to continue certain Acts of Assembly.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all and every act or acts of assembly,
which are limitted by law to continue to the end of the present session of assembly, or which
would expire during the same, or before the end of the next general assembly, be and they are hereby
severally continued until the thirty-first day of October next, and until the end of the next session
of assembly, unless such as are repugnant to, or inconsistent with, any law which may have passed
during the present session of assembly, and subject to any alterations which may have been made
therein; provided nothing herein contained shall be construed to extend to the act of assembly
passed at November session, in the year eighteen hundred and eight, entitled, A further supplement
to the act, entitled, An act for regulating the mode of staying executions, and repealing the acts of
assembly therein mention-ed, and for other purposes, or to the several supplements to the said origi-
nal act, passed at the same session, and at June session, eighteen hundred and nine.
Passed 7th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT for the relief of William Boiler, of Frederick County.
WHEREAS William Boiler, a native of Germany, emigrated to America in the year seventeen
hundred and eighty-seven, and has ever since resided within the United States; that he re-
moved from the state of Pennsylvania to Frederick county in the year eighteen hundred and four,
and that at February court, eighteen hundred and nine, held for Frederick county, he was admitted
by the court of said county to become a citizen of the United States; that previous to his becoming
a citizen as aforesaid, he purchased from a certain Matthias Young two tracts or parcels of land in
Frederick county, called Arnold's Delight, containing one hundred and four acres, and the Resurvey
on part of Arnold's Delight, containing twenty-eight acres, and that he also purchased from a cer-
tain John Valentine, another part of a tract of land in Frederick county, called Whiskey Plenty,
containing forty-four acres one rood and twenty-four perches; that the title to said lands being in-
secure by reason of the said William Boiler being an alien at the time of his purchasing said tracts
or parcels of land, and praying that an act may pass to confirm to him his title to the same; therefore,
H. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the title of the said William Boiler
to the aforesaid tracts or parcels of land, and the same is hereby made as perfect and complete, to
all intents and purposes, as if the said William Boiler had been naturalized previous to the purchase
of the same, any thing in the laws of this state to the contrary notwithstanding; provided always,
that nothing in this act contained shall in any manner effect or defeat any right, title or claim, to the
said property, or any part thereof, acquired by any person previous to the passage of this act.
Passed 7th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT to lay out a Road in Baltimore County.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that the part of the old road leading from
Woolf's tavern to Merryman's tavern, is on very bad ground, and very expensive to the