Passed 7th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT to repeal the fifth Section of an Act, entitled, An Act for
the confirming Titles of Land given to the use of the Churches and
several Chapels within this Province, empowering the Commis-
sioners of the respective Counties, and Vestries of the respective
Parishes, to take up certain parcels of Land for the use of the same.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the fifth section of an act, entitled,
An act for the confirming titles of land given to the use of the churches and several chapels
within this province, empowering the commissioners of the respective counties, and vestries of the
respective parishes, to take up certain parcels of land for the use of the same, be and the same is
hereby repealed,
Passed 7th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT to alter all such parts of the Declaration of Rights, Consti-
tution and Form of Government, as make it lawful to lay an equal
and a general Tax for the support of the Christian Religion.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall not be lawful for the general
assembly of this state to lay an equal and general tax, or any other tax, on the people of this
state, for the support of any religion.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if this act shall be confirmed by tire general assembly, after the
next election of delegates, in the first session after such new election, as the constitution and form
of government directs, that in such case this act, and the alteration and amendment of the constitu-
tion and form of government therein contained, shall be taken and considered, and shall constitute
and be valid, as part of said constitution and form of government, to all intents and purposes, any
thing in the said declaration of rights, constitution and form of government contained, to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the several clauses and sections of the declaration of rights,
constitution and form of government, so far as they are contrary to the provisions of this act, shall
be, and are hereby declared to be, repealed and annulled on the confirmation hereof.
Passed 7th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT to make the final discharge of Executors, Administrators
and Guardians, matter of record.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all receipts, acquittances, releases or
final discharge, from any heir, representative or legatee, of full age, or other persons authorised
to execute the same, to any guardian, executors or administrator, which shall have been acknow-
ledged before any justice of the peace, or register of wills of the county wherein such heir, repre-
sentative,, legatee, or other persons authorised to execute the same, resides, may be recorded; and
it shall be the duty of the register of wills of the county where such guardian was appointed, or such
executor or administrator obtained letters testamentary or letters of administration, to record any
such receipt, acquittance, release or final discharge, produced to be recorded, in a well bound book
to be kept for that purpose.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That a copy of any such receipt, acquittance, release or final discharge,
acknowledged and recorded as aforesaid, duly attested under the seal of the office in which the same
is recorded, shall, at all times hereafter, be admitted as evidence to prove such receipt, acquittance,
release or final discharge.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any receipt, acquittance, release or final discharge, from any
heirs, legatee, representative of full age, or other persons authorised to execute the same, to any
executor, administrator or guardian, by a nonresident of this state, acknowledged as aforesaid in the
town, city, county or place, where such person may reside, with a certificate of such acknowledge-
ment, and seal of office thereto annexed, may be received and recorded by such register, and placed
on his record, as other receipts, acquittances, releases or final discharge, may be recorded, and ad-