II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall not be lawful for any person to stop up, change, or in
any manner obstruct, the said road, under the penalty of twenty dollars for every such offence.
An ACT authorising a Lottery to raise a sum of Money to open and
repair the Baltimore and Liberty-Town Road.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for Peter
Little, Daniel Conn, Basil Elder, Richard Benson, Michael Riddlemosier, Benjamin Jones,
Moses Brown, John Ridgely, Thomas Gorsuch, Robert Shipley, Nathan Munro, Alexander Wal-
ters, Moses Worman, John Crooks and Beale Randall, or a majority of them, to propose a scheme
of a lottery for raising a sum of money, not exceeding thirty thousand dollars, clear of all expenses
in drawing said lottery, and to dispose of the tickets thereof; provided, the said Peter Little, Da-
niel Conn, Basil Elder, Richard Benson, Michael Riddlemosier, Benjamin Jones, Moses Brown,
John Ridgely, Thomas Gorsuch, Robert Shipley, Nathan Munro, Alexander Walters, Moses Wor-
man, John Crooks and Beale Randall, or a majority of them, as shall undertake to act under this law,
shall, before the sale or disposal of any ticket or tickets in said lottery, give their bond to the state
of Maryland, in the penalty of sixty thousand dollars, conditioned that they will well and truly ap-
ply so much of the money arising therefrom, within six months after the drawing said lottery, as
will satisfy the fortunate adventurers for prizes drawn by them, and shall, within twelve months af-
ter the drawing the said lottery, apply the money raised by such lottery to the opening and com-
pleting the Baltimore and Liberty-town road.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the duty of the said commissioners, before they act
as such, to lodge the bond entered into as aforesaid in the office of the clerk of Baltimore county,
there to be recorded, and upon such bond, or any office copy thereof, suit or suits may be instituted
against the obligors therein, or any of them, or their legal representatives, for any breach or non-
compliance with the conditions of the same.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners be, and they, or any person or persons ap-
pointed by them, are hereby authorised, to dispose of and sell all or any of the tickets of said lottery
in the city of Baltimore, or any other part of this state, exclusive of any control over the same by
the corporation of the city of Baltimore, any law or usage to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT authorising a Lottery for raising a sum of Money for the
purposes therein mentioned.
WHEREAS it appears to this legislature, that at the November session of the general assembly
of Maryland, in the year seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, an act passed to authorise cer-
tain persons therein mentioned to raise, by lottery, a sum of money for the purposes therein men-
tioned: And whereas nothing was effectually done under said act: And whereas it sufficiently ap-
pears to this legislature, that large sums of money were advanced by Richard Tilghman, William
Hopper, Thomas I. Seth and Thomas Wright, of Thomas, for the purpose of building, in Queen-
Anne's county, a new church, and repairing the chapel near the same: And whereas it also appears,
that neither Richard Tilghman, nor the executors or executrix of the other persons, who are since
dead, have ever received compensation for the money they expended; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That doctor Edward Harris, Joseph H.
Nicholson, David Winchester, William Cooke, Thomas Dixon, Ralph Higginbothom and Samuel
Wright, or a majority of them, be and they are hereby authorised to propose a scheme or schemes
of a lottery or lotteries, and to sell and dispose of the tickets, as well in the city of Baltimore as in
any other part of the state, clear of city taxes, any law to the contrary notwithstanding, for raising
a sum of money, not exceeding thirteen thousand dollars, for the purpose of compensating the said
Richard Tilghman, and the legal representatives of the said William Hopper, Thomas I. Seth and
Thomas Wright, of Thomas, for the money expended, in building the new church in Queen-Anne's
county, and repairing the chapel of the same.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the said doctor Edward Harris, Joseph H. Nicholson.
David Winchester, William Cooke, Thomas Dixon, Ralph Higginbothom and Samuel Wright, pro-
ceed to make sale of any ticket or tickets in the said lottery, they shall give and execute, a bond to
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.