least one newspaper published in Montgomery County, and
one in Prince George's County a full and true account of its
receipts and disbursements. Prior to such publication such
account shall be audited by the State Auditor of the State of
Maryland, who shall be paid such compensation by the Com-
mission as is paid the Auditor for auditing other State ac-
counts; provided, however, that said Commission may in addi-
tion to said State audit, employ a certified public accountant
to audit its books and accounts.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Commission
is hereby authorized and empowered to make, adopt, amend,
extend and add to a plan for the physical development of the
District. Such plan, including maps, plats, charts and de-
scriptive matter, shall show the Commission's, recommendations
for the development of the said territory, including among
other things, such matters as the location, arrangement, char-
acter and extent of streets, roads, parkways, highways, boule-
vards, viaducts, bridges, water ways, water fronts, parks, for-
ests, playgrounds, squares, aviation fields and other public
ways, grounds and open spaces, the general location of public
buildings and other public properties, and the general location
and extent of public utilities and terminals, whether publicly
or privately owned or operated for light, transportation, com-
munication, power, and other purposes, the preservation of for-
ests and natural scenery, water conservation works, a zoning
plan for the control of the height, area, bulk, location and
use of buildings and premises, and other factors of city and
regional planning. The plan shall be made with the general
purpose of guiding and accomplishing a coordinated, com-
prehensive, adjusted, systematic and harmonious development
of the District, and of the co-ordination and adjustment of
said development with and to the public and private develop-
ment of other parts of the State of Maryland, of the City of
Washington and of the District of Columbia. Before adopt-
ing the plan or any substantial part thereof or any substan-
tial amendment thereto, the Commission shall hold at least
one public hearing thereon. The adoption of the plan or any
part or amendment thereof shall be by resolution of the Com-
mission carried by the, affirmative votes of not less than four
members of the Commission, of whom not less than two mem-
bers shall be from Montgomery County and not less than two
members from Prince George's County. The resolution shall
refer expressly to the maps and descriptive and other matter