and terms of such sale, the year or years for which the taxes
are due, to whom the property is assessed, the location and ap-
proximate quantity offered for sale or such other description
as shall be sufficient to identify said property, and in no case
shall a description by metes and bounds be required, unless
it shall be necessary for the identification of such part of the
real estate as may be sold under a division, and no levy upon
land shall be required when the same is sold by the town clerk
by virtue of the provisions of this Act and no notice or notices
other than those provided for in this Act shall be necessary or
required to make valid any sale herein authorized to be made;
and agreeably to such advertisement, the town clerk. shall pro-
ceed to sell said real estate, at public auction, on the premises
or elsewhere in Pocomoke City, for cash, retaining out of the
proceeds of such sale or sales the amount of taxes due from
such delinquent, with interest thereon, together with the sum
of nine dollars to cover expenses of advertising and attorney's
services and a fee of one dollar for auctioneer's cost and a fee
of fifty cents for personal services making total costs ten dol-
lars and fifty cents and pay the surplus, if any there be, to the
owner of the property so sold.
When any real estate shall be sold under the provisions of
this Act for taxes, the sale, together with the proceedings had
in relation thereto, shall be reported to the Circuit Court for
Worcester County by the town clerk, and if upon the report,
the court shall find that the provisions of law in relation there-
to have been complied with, the court shall pass an order nisi
giving three weeks' notice, warning all persons interested in
the property sold to be and appear by a certain day in the said
order nisi named, to show cause why said sale shall not be
ratified and confirmed; and a copy thereof shall be published
for three successive weeks in some newspaper published in
Pocomoke City; and if no objections to the ratification of such
sale shall be filed within the time limit named by the said
order nisi, or if objections be filed and the objector is unable
and fails to show that the town clerk has failed to comply with
the provisions of this Act, the sale shall be finally ratified and
confirmed by said Court; and for the purpose of hearing ob-
jections or passing orders under this Act, said court shall be
deemed always to be open as in Chancery proceedings; if the
objection to the sale under this Act shows to the satisfaction
of the court that the town clerk failed to comply with the pro-
visions of law, said sale shall be set aside and said town clerk
shall at once proceed to make a new sale of the property and