the town clerk of the right to proceed against an absconding
debtor by way of attachment. Provided said taxes are not
paid in ten days after the said statement and notice has been
so served the town clerk shall deliver to any policeman of said
town a copy of the statement served on the delinquent as here-
inbefore provided, with an order at the bottom of said state-
ment directing the policeman to levy upon the personal property
of the delinquent, and to sell the same to satisfy and pay the
taxes so due, together with the interest thereon, and all costs
of sale; and it shall be the duty of said policeman, upon re-
ceiving such statement and order, to levy upon and sell the per-
sonal property of such delinquent and after having given five
days' notice of the time, place, manner and terms of sale by
hand-bills set up at the Court House door of Worcester County,
in the town of Snow Hill, and at least three public places of
Pocomoke City, he may, agreeably to said notice sell at public
auction for cash the property so levied on at some public place
in Pocomoke City, and may then and there deliver possession
of the property so sold to the purchaser; and after retaining
out of the proceeds of sale the amount of taxes due from the
delinquent, with interest thereon, together with all the costs
incurred in making the sale and caring for the property, in-
cluding the usual poundage fees, he shall pay over the surplus,
if any there be, to the said delinquent.
Whenever it becomes necessary for said town clerk to en-
force the payment of taxes by sale of real property the said
clerk shall first serve the party against whom the said taxes
are charged, or by whom the said taxes are to be paid, or one
of them, if more than one, with a statement showing the ag-
gregate amount of property of every description with which
the person is assessed and the amount of taxes due thereon,
with a notice annexed thereto, that unless the taxes so due are
paid within twenty days thereafter, he, the said town clerk,
will proceed to collect the same by a sale of said real property;
and the service of said statement and notice may be made by
mailing the same, by registered mail, to the last known Post
Office address of the party on whom the same is to be served. At
any time after twenty days after said statement and notice
has been so served, if the said taxes shall not be paid, the town
clerk shall advertise such real property, or a part thereof, once
a week for four successive weeks in some newspaper published
in Pocomoke City and by notice set up at the Court House
door in Snow Hill, and any advertised notice of sale under
this Act shall be deemed sufficient if it contains the time, place