deem proper for promoting and carrying out the execution
and enforcing the provisions of this section, and may, if they
think proper, provide that all dogs running at large upon
the streets of the town shall wear tags in evidence of the pay-
ment of said tax, and may also, if in their judgment public
safety demands such action at any time, require by ordinances
that all dogs running at large upon the streets in said town
shall be properly and securely muzzled, and may enforce their
ordinances by any of the fines or penalties within limits here-
after set upon them; and, beside, may provide that any dog
found running at large upon the streets of said town con-
trary to the provisions of the ordinance or ordinances shall
be taken up and shot by the policeman.
276. The Mayor and Council once in each year shall make
a general levy of taxes on the assessable property of the town
to meet the corporate expenses, requirements and purposes of
the town, such taxes not to exceed the rate of fifty cents (5. 0c. )
on every one hundred dollars ($100. 00) of assessed property,
for the current expenses alone, together with such further
taxes as are authorized and required by the several Acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland authorizing the issue of town
bonds of Pocomoke City, it being hereby expressly provided
that nothing in this Act shall in any way affect any Act author-
izing any bond issue for Pocomoke City all of which Acts shall
remain in full force and effect; and such levy shall be made
in each year between the first day of August and the first day
of September; and whenever the Mayor and Council shall
make the yearly levy they shall cause to be made out a list of
the parties chargeable with the taxes levied, together with the
aggregate assessment of each person in real and personal prop-
erty, and they shall add thereto a copy of the ordinance, reso-
lution or rule of the Mayor and Council by which the said
levy of taxes was made and the rate of the said levy, signed
by the Mayor and President of the Town Council and with
the corporate seal thereto affixed, and they shall deliver the
same to the town clerk of said town and it shall be a sufficient
warrant to him to collect the said taxes; provided, that if on
account of death or from any other cause the Mayor and Coun-
cil should be unable to make the levy before the first day of
September in any year they may make the same later, but not
later than the fifteenth of December; the taxes so levied shall
become due and payable on the first day of the next January
after the day on which the said levy is made, and from and