corporate seal. If any dog, whether male or female, shall
be kept or harbored in said town for ten days in any year,
as the year is herein defined, without a license or permit
being taken out therefor, the owner of such dog and the tenant
or controlling occupant of the premises where the same is
kept or harbored shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on
conviction thereof before a Justice of the Peace for Wor-
cester County, or in the Circuit Court of said county, such
parties shall be fined three dollars for every offense, and
shall be adjudged to pay the costs and to stand committed
until the fine and costs are paid; if at the end of such case
the evidence shows that the dog has been kept or harbored in
the town for two days, the burden shall be on the defendant
of showing that it has not been so kept or harbored for ten
days; the owner of the dog and the tenant or controlling occu-
pants of the premises where the same is kept may be prose-
cuted in one case or in separate cases; but if they are prose-
cuted in one case, a single fine of three dollars shall be im-
posed, but if in separate cases a fine of three dollars shall be
imposed in each case; but the payment of one fine and all
the costs shall entitle all the parties to be discharged. It
shall be sufficient if the warrant or charge sets forth "that
the defendants (naming them) unlawfully kept or harbored
a certain dog within the limits of Pocomoke City for the
space of ten days, between the first day of May, A. D.......
and the...... day of................. A. - D.......... "
The second date shall be the date on which the warrant of the
arrest is issued. A new prosecution may be sustained on proper
evidence as often as the party or parties who are liable keep
or harbor such dog for ten days after the previous prosecution
has terminated; when it is uncertain who is the controlling
tenant or occupant of the premises whereupon the dog is
kept, the Justice before whom the complaint is about to
be made may issue a subpoena for and compel the attend-
ance of any witness in order that he may be able to obtain
a full and proper information. It shall be the duty of the
policemen to collect the dog tax above provided for and to
account monthly to the town clerk for all sums so collected,
and it shall be the duty of the policemen to make complaint
before a Justice of the Peace against any person or persons
harboring a dog within the said town without having first
obtained and paid for such license. The Mayor and Council
shall have full authority to pass such ordinances as they may