AN ACT to repeal and re-enact Section 186 of Article 2 of
the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel Coun-
ty, " sub-title "Orphans' Court"; said section as re-codified
by order of the County Commissioners of Anne Arundel
County, and now appearing in Melvin's Local Code as Sec-
tion 308.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 308 of Article 2 of the Public Local
Laws, title "Anne Arundel County, " sub-title "Orphans'
Court, " be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted with
amendments so as to read as follows:
Section 308. The said Court shall sit for the transaction of
business from ten o'clock A. M. to three o'clock P. M., and each
of the judges of said Court shall receive the sum of eight
($8. 00) dollars for each day's attendance upon the session of
said Court, and five cents per mile each way they may be
compelled to travel to and from their place of meeting.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That this Act shall take effect
on June first, nineteen hundred and twenty-seven (1927).
Approved March 23, 1927.
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 2 of the Public Local
Laws of Maryland (1914 Edition), title "Anne Arundel
County, " sub-title "Schools, " to be known as Section 330-A
and to follow immediately after Section 330 of said Article,
providing for transportation for high school children.
(Vetoed. )
AN ACT to add an additional Section to Article 1 of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title "Allegany County, " sub-
title "Frostburg, " to be known as Section 145-A and to
follow Section 145, authorizing the Mayor and Councilmen
of Frostburg to levy an additional tax of five (5c) cents on