may be required of him by any order of the County Commis-
sioners. He shall make full, complete and accurate minutes of
all transactions and proceedings of the Board of County Com-
missioners and of all orders passed by said board, and record
the same in suitable and durably bound volumes with index to
facilitate reference to all such transactions, proceedings and
orders; he shall endorse, file, number and index all papers pre-
sented to the said board and acted upon by the same, and so
arrange, keep and preserve them that by reference to such index
and number such papers may at any and all times be readily
found; he shall each year immediately upon and after the an-
nual assessment and levy make out the assessment and levy book
for each district in the County, which shall set for the name of
each taxpayer in said district and alphabetically for each dis-
trict the aggregate amount of property, both real and personal
assessed to each person, or persons, or corporation, for each dis-
trict, and the amount of State and County taxes due by each,
together with the rate of State and County tax opposite each
taxpayer's name. He shall keep all necessary, suitable and ap-
propriate books of accounts and therein enter in a clear, ac-
curate and business-like manner all the financial transactions
of the County, and particularly showing from day to day, and
at all times the amount of County moneys, securities and prop-
erty in the hands of the County Treasurer or any other fidu-
ciary officer of the County, the amount of taxes placed in the
hands of the Treasurer and not accounted for by him; the
amount of each and every appropriation made by the Board in
the form of a separate account for each appropriation, and of
each and every warrant drawn by the Board thereon, with the
name of the person to whom such warrant was drawn, the num-
ber, date and amount thereof, and also of its payment by the
Treasurer or any other financial agent of the County on whom
drawn, as soon as such payment shall have been reported unto
the Board, and he shall in all respects so keep such books that
on any day the financial condition of the County and the status
of any appropriation may be exactly and truly known imme-
diately upon examination of such books and of the several ac-
counts therein; he shall also keep a warrant book of Wicomico
County, from which he shall make out every warrant which
shall authorize the Treasurer of the County or any other finan-
cial agent of the County to pay out to any person or corpora-
tion, whatsoever., any sum of money, which warrant book, be-
sides the warrant to be removed therefrom after execution there-
of by the President of Board of County Commissioners and by
such officer as Clerk of the County Commissioners, shall contain
a corresponding duplicate stub, in which at the time of the filling
ap of said warrant, and before its removal from the book, he
shall make full entry of the number, date and the amount of