SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That upon complaint
and due proof made by the Superintendent to a Justice of the
Peace of Garrett County that any person in the County Home
has behaved in a disorderly manner or has refused or neglect-
ed to obey any of the rules or regulations of the County Home,
the said Justice of the Peace may direct such moderate and
proper correction to be given to such offenders as the nature
of the case may require.
SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners, as a body, may commit all such poor, feeble-minded,
aged, crippled and others, who are or are likely to become
public charges, to and they shall be received in the County
Home; provided that any one Commissioner may, during the
interval between meetings of the County Commissioners as a.
body, commit a poor, feeble-minded, aged, crippled or other
person who is or is likely to become a public charge, and he
or she, as the case may be, shall be received into the County
Home and there remain until the next meeting of the Com-
missioners as a body, at which time they shall determine wheth-
er or not the said person shall remain there longer.
SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That all sheriffs, con-
stables and other officers shall assist the County Commissioners
arid the Superintendent and other officers appointed by them
in the discharge of their respective duties.
SEC. 19. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners be and they are hereby authorized, empowered and
directed to raise the funds necessary for the purchase of the
County Farm, for the building of the County Home, if it
becomes necessary to build one, for the erection on the County
Farm of such buildings, fences, etc., as they deem necessary
and for supplying the necessary equipment, furniture, farm-
ing implements and live stock, by issuing bonds of the County,
either coupon or serial, for such an amount, in such denomi-
nation or denominations, bearing such interest and maturing
at such date or dates as the County Commissioners deem proper
or by paying for the same out of the funds of the County raised
by the regular tax levy or by an extra levy to be made by the
County Commissioner for that purpose or purposes or by a
combination of any one or more or all of these methods, which-
ever with a due regard for the sound financial condition of the
County, seems to the County Commissioners most proper. The
County Commissioners be and they are further authorized, em-
powered and directed to pay out of the funds raised by the
regular tax levy or by an extra tax levy, to be made by the
County Commissioners, for that purpose or purposes, the in-
terest and the principal on the bonds aforesaid, if issued, and