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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 284   View pdf image (33K)
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Not less than seven (7) days before said election,. said
committee shall cause a notice thereof to be published once
in a newspaper published in the town of Hyattsville and shall
post in at least five (5) public places within the territory
proposed by this Act to be annexed to the town of Hyattsville,
a notice of said election. Said advertisement and posters
shall notify the residents of said territory that there will be
held on said day at a place to be designated therein and be-
tween the hours of nine o'clock A. M. and seven o'clock P. M.,
an election to determine whether or not said residents desire
the territory described in this Act to be annexed to the town
of Hyattsville. The said committee shall provide a polling
place, ballot boxes, booths and ballots for said election, the
costs thereof to be paid by the Mayor and Common Council
of Hyattsville, which is hereby authorized to pay the same.
The said ballots shall contain the words "For Annexation to
the town of Hyattsville" on one line, and "Against annexa-
tion to the town of Hyattsville" on another line, with a square
opposite each. Said election shall be conducted, as nearly as
practicable, as elections for county officers in Prince George's
County. Said committee shall appoint three (3) judges and
two (2) clerks, who shall conduct said election, and any of
said committee are hereby authorized to act as judges or
clerks. The said judges and clerks, before undertaking to
perform the duties of their office, shall subscribe to the same
oath as is now required for judges and clerks in elections for
county officers for Prince George's County.

For the purpose of said election, all persons over the age
of twenty-one (21) years actually residing in the territory
proposed to be annexed to the town of Hyattsville by this
Act at the date of its enactment, shall be eligible to vote at
said election. The said judges, or any of them, before per-
mitting any person to vote at said election, shall administer
to such person an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and
nothing but the truth in reference to any questions which
might be asked them in reference to their qualifications as a
voter in said election, and shall examine each of said persons,
and if they do not bring themselves within the terms of this
section, shall refuse them the right to vote.

Upon the closing of said polls, the said judges and clerks
shall canvass the said vote, publicly announce the result of
said canvass, certify the result to the Mayor and Common
Council of Hyattsville, and deliver the ballot boxes, with


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 284   View pdf image (33K)
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