only to the constitutional right of amendment and repeal, that
it may sue and be sued, complain and defend in any Court of
law or equity, and that it may make and use a common seal
and alter the same at pleasure.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the members of the said
corporation shall at no time be more in number than seven, that
the said I. M. Annan, J. N. Franklin, W. O. Shank, Lewis Bell,
T. C. Hays, B. D. Martin, A. A. Martin shall be and remain
members of the said corporation for the space of one year from
the passage of this act and until their successors as hereinafter
provided shall be chosen.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the members of the corpora-
tion above named, shall as soon as practicable after the passage
of this Act, hold a meeting for the acceptance of this Charter
and for an election of officers as hereinafter provided, and shall
appoint a day for an election of the members of this corporation
as hereinafter provided, said election to be held not sooner than
one year from the date of the passage of this Act, and shall
thereafter provide for an annual election of said members on
the same day in each year thereafter, and for giving notices of
such elections, and a failure to elect shall not prevent a subse-
quent election.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That annually, after the expira-
tion of one year from the date of the passage of this Act, on
such day in each year as may be appointed under Section 4 of
this Act, the adult members of. the congregation of the Emmits-
burg Presbyterian Church in Frederick County, Maryland, who
attend said Church and contribute to the maintenance thereof,,
together with the adults who own one or more lots in said
cemetery, and whose names appear on the books of the said
corporation, as owners of said lots, at the date of said election,
shall choose from the adult male members of the Emmitsburg
Presbyterian Church, in full communion with said church, seven
men who shall from and after their election become members
of the said corporation and remain such for the space of one
year and until their successors are chosen as herein provided;
and as many of said adult members of said Church, and said
adult owners of said lots, as shall attend at any meeting for the
purpose of said elections, shall be competent to choose the mem-
bers aforesaid.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That if at any time any of the
members of the said corporation shall die, resign or be incapac-
itated from carrying on his duties as a member of the said
corporation, the remaining members of said corporation shall