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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1680   View pdf image (33K)
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1680 VETOES.


(Chapter 601)

House Bill No. 703 prohibits the establishment of plants giv-
ing off noxious odors or gases within a radius of three miles
of Lansdowne Station on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in
Baltimore County.

This bill was aimed at a particular plant which contemplated
locating in this residential section of Baltimore County. Upon
ascertaining that public sentiment in the locality was prac-
tically a unit in its opposition, the owners of the plant have
voluntarily advised me that they will abandon their idea of
locating there. There is no need for the bill, and it will be


(Chapter 606.)

Senate Bill No. 400 amends the charter of Hancock, Wash-
ington County.

This bill is opposed by a very large number of people in Han-
cock. Its provisions do not appear to have been known or under-
stood while it was pending in the Legislature. One of these
gives bailiffs and policemen full authority to enter homes for
the alleged purpose of inspecting plumbing and suggesting
measures for the more economical use of water. Another provi-
sion permits the Town Commissioners to borrow money with-
out any definite limit. As far as I can ascertain, there is little
need or sentimeent for 'the measure, and it will be vetoed.


(Chapter 619)

Senate Bill No. 148 relates to the forfeiture of charters for
nonpayment of taxes.

This bill gives corporations whose charters are thus forfeited
an indefinite time within which to reinstate them, and permits
reinstatements at any time upon payment of taxes for one year.
Under the present plan, forfeited charters may be reinstated


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1680   View pdf image (33K)
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