SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the County Commission-
ers of Calvert County shall have power at any time, out of any
surplus funds belonging to the said county and out of any
funds received as dividends on or any other way resulting
from the ownership of said shares of stock in said company
that shall build the aforesaid railroad to purchase at their
market value, redeem and retire any of the bonds hereby au-
thorized to be issued, and said bonds so purchased or ac-
quired shall be thereupon cancelled and destroyed; provided
that no bonds shall be so purchased or acquired unless all cou-
pons thereof and not yet due shall remain attached to said
bonds at the time of said purchase or acquirement.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That said bonds not to exceed
two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) par and face value
of principal as aforesaid shall be delivered by the County Com-
missioners of Calvert County to the Baltimore and Virginia
Railroad Company or any other corporation that shall build a
railroad from a point at or near Drum Point, in Calvert Coun-
ty, to a point at or near Millersville, in Anne Arundel County,
and in the event that Anne Arundel County fails to join in
aiding the building of said railroad and fails to subscribe for
stock in the corporation that undertakes to build and builds
said railroad, then the said bonds not to exceed two hundred
thousand dollars ($200,000) par and f ace value of principal
as aforesaid shall be delivered by the County Commissioners
of Calvert County to the Baltimore and Virginia Railroad
Company or any other corporation that shall build a railroad
from a point at or near Drum Point in Calvert County, to
connect with the Chesapeake Beach Railway at or near
Owings, in Calvert County; and said bonds shall not be de-
livered until said road shall have been completely built or its
completion assured.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted,, That the County Commissioners
of Calvert County be and they are hereby authorized to sell
or pledge the shares of stock which may be subscribed for at
not less than their par value, and to apply the proceeds there-
of to the payment of said bonds and the interest.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the County Commissioners
of Calvert County are hereby authorized and empowered,
either in person or by proxy, to vote the stock so to be sub-