WHEREAS, at the expiration of said term, Judge Duncan
was reappointed by Governor Albert C. Ritchie, to serve until
the election to be held in November, 1920; and
WHEREAS, at said election in November, 1920, Judge Dun-
can was re-elected, again without opposition, for another term
of fifteen years; and
WHEREAS, Judge Duncan during his twenty-two years of
continuous service on the Bench has retained his health and
vigor and is now, as heretofore, discharging the duties of his
high office to the admiration of all, bringing to the admin-
istration of justice exceptional qualities of mind and heart and
a judgment ripened by experience; and
WHEREAS, on June 4th, 1928, Judge Duncan will attain
the age of seventy years; and
WHEREAS, it is the sentiment of the members of the Bar
of said Judicial Circuit, that while as a general rule the
retirement of judges at seventy years of age makes for better
government, the term of Judge Duncan should be extended
as herein provided for the reasons above given; and
WHEREAS, there is a wide-spread desire on the part of the
people of said Judicial Circuit that Judge Duncan's term should
be extended; now, therefore,
Be it resolved, by the General Assembly of Maryland, that
Honorable Frank I. Duncan be and he is hereby continued in
office as an Associate Judge of the Third Judicial Circuit until
the expiration of the full term for which he was elected.
Approved March 18, 1927.
NO. 8.
A Joint Resolution of the General Assembly of Maryland re-
jecting an Amendment to the Constitution of the United
States proposed by Congress and commonly known as the
Child Labor Amendment.