WHEREAS, the said the Honorable, Walter I. Dawkins, has
since the time of his appointment as aforesaid, discharged his
duties as Associate Judge of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore
City and acted, and is now acting as such Associate Judge
with conspicuous ability, and will on the 21st. day of Octo-
ber, 1928, if his life is prolonged, attain the age of seventy
years, when his term of office will expire, unless it is extended
by the General Assembly of the State by Resolution pursuant
to Section 3 of Article IV of the Constitution of the State;
WHEREAS, the General Assembly of the State of Maryland
reposing the fullest confidence in the ability, integrity, wis-
dom and sound legal knowledge of the said Honorable, Walter
I. Dawkins, deems it compatible with the public welfare to
extend his term of service; therefore
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the term of service of the Honorable, Walter I. Dawkins, Asso-
ciate Judge of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, be and
the same is hereby extended until Tuesday after the first Mon-
day in November, in the year 1934, and until his successor is
elected and qualified.
Approved March 11, 1927.
NO. 5.
A Joint Resolution and Memorial of the General Assembly of
Maryland to the Senate and House of Representatives of
the United States in Congress Assembled requesting the
repeal of Title III of the Revenue Act of 1926, known as
"Estate Tax Law."
WHEREAS, Except in times of national stress, the imposition
of inheritance and estate taxes has been considered as being
within the sole province of the several States; and
WHEREAS, In the past, the Federal Government has entered
this field of taxation only because of war contingencies; and
WHEREAS, The present Federal Estate Tax is the successor
to a tax first imposed in 1916 because of the threat of war,