NO. 3.
A Joint Resolution authorizing the Governor of Maryland
to receive certain moneys known as "Other Funds," from
the Secretary of War of the United States,
WHEREAS, It has been duly made known to the proper
authorities of this State that the Secretary of War of the
United States has in his possession, as trustee, certain moneys
known as "Other Funds," which had been collected for their
own use and benefit by certain National Guard organizations
that were broken up as units for or as the result of service in
the World War, and have not been reconstituted; and
WHEREAS, It further appears that the Secretary of War, as
trustee, desires to turn over to a substitute trustee, duly author-
ized by this State, such portion of the said funds as equitably
belongs to the National Guard of this State; therefore be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,, That the
Governor is hereby authorized to receive such funds as trustee,
and to distribute them for the benefit of the National Guard of
this State, in such manner as his judgment shall dictate.
Approved March 11, 1927.
NO. 4.
WHEREAS, the Honorable, Walter I. Dawkins, of the City
of Baltimore, and State of Maryland, was duly appointed an
Associate Judge of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City
by Governor Austin L. Crothers on the 31st. day of August
1911, and on November Y, 1911, was duly elected to that
office for the term of fifteen years from the time of his elec-
tion and qualification, and until his successor was duly elected
and qualified; and
WHEREAS, he was again elected as Associate Judge of the
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City on the 2nd. day of Novem-
ber, 1926, for the full term of fifteen years from the time of
his election and qualification and until his successor is duly
elected and qualified, or until he shall attain the age of sev-
enty years; and