of the last mentioned line,?' thence at right angle with the said
Delaware and Chesapeake Railroad one hundred and eleven yards
to a point where it intersects the County road leading from Golds-
fooro to Greensboro; thence in a straight line parallel with the Del-
aware and Chesapeake Railroad track a northerly direction to
the place of beginning; provided, that no taxes shall be levied
by the Commissioners of G-oldsboro upon the real estate situated
in the said town unless the same is divided into lots of one acre
or less in area, or has a dwelling house or other building there-
on, and then not exceeding one acre if such land shall be taxed
in addition to the buildings.
5. And be it enacted, That all persons who have resided in
said town for six months prior to the day of election and
who are qualified in other respects to vote for Delegates to
the General Assembly from Caroline County, and who are own-
ers of taxable property, either real or personal, of the
value of One Hundred Dollars within the limits of the
town of Goldsboro, shall be qualified voters at all town elec-
tions, and shall on the first .Saturday in May, 1927, between the
hours of two and five o'clock P. M., at such places as the afore-
said Judges of Election shall appoint, elect by ballot five per-
sons, residents and qualified voters, as Commissioners of Golds-
boro, to serve for one year therefrom, or until their successors
are duly elected and qualified; and that such election shall be
held on the first Saturday in May annually thereafter, between
the hours of two and five o'clock P. M. at such place as the Com-
missioners of said Town shall appoint, elect by ballot five per-
sons, residents and qualified voters, as Commissioners of Golds-
22. And be it enacted, That the said Commissioners may an-
nually levy upon the assessable property within the said town
by a direct tax, not exceeding fifty cents on the one hun-
dred dollars, such sum as they may deem necessary for the
purpose of defraying and settling the expenses likely to be in-
curred by them on behalf of said corporation; and the said
Commissioners may apply and appropriate the funds ar-
rived from such tax, as well as other funds and money be-
longing to said corporation in their discretion in paying the
costs and expenses of opening, closing, extending, widening,
paving and improving streets, alleys and grounds, for providing
street lamps and lighting the same, fire machinery and appara-
tus, for removal of garbage, obstructions and nuisances, for set-
ting1 pumps and wells, for drainage, for restricting the spread of
contagious diseases for the payment of their officers or employ-
ees reasonable salaries and for such other purposes as in their
judgment benefit and subserve the public interest.