a qualified voter therein and shall have resided within the town
one year preceding the election; and any person desiring to
run for the office of said Mavor, Treasurer or Councilman,
shall file with the Board of Supervisors as provided for in
Section 6, a statement of his candidacy for said office not later
than fifteen days prior to the election; when said statements
have been filed and the time for their filing shall have expired,
the Board of Election Supervisors shall cause to be published
in the manner prescribed the names of the candidates on suit-
able ballots. The ballots and the voting at all elections shall
be in accordance with the laws provided for in similar cases in
the general election laws.
SEC. 8. That the Mayor with the approval of the majority
of the Town Council shall appoint such bailiffs as are needed,
a Town Clerk, a Sanitary Inspector, a Building Inspector, and
a Supervisor, who shall hold office during the term of the
Mayor and Town Council shall fix the compensation for each
and every officer under them and shall prescribe their duties,
except as is otherwise provided. The Mayor and Town Coun-
cilmen shall serve without compensation, but the Treasurer
shall be paid a salary of not less than One Hundred Dollars
nor more than Two Hundred Dollars a year, which salary
shall not be diminished during his term of office. The bailiffs
shall preserve the peace and good order of the town and for
this purpose they are hereby vested with the same powers and
authority now possessed by constables under the laws of this
State, and the bailiffs shall take the required oath and give
bond payable to the Mayor and Town Council in such penalty
and with such security as the Mayor and Town Council may
require, conditioned upon the faithful performance of their
duties. The bailiffs shall receive the same fees for executing
and serving processes for any violation of any ordinance of
the Mayor or Town Council as are allowed constables for sim-
ilar services, and such other compensation as the Mayor and
Town Council shall fix. Town Clerk shall receive for his
services such compensation as the Mayor and Town Council
may see fit, not to exceed One Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 9. The Mayor and Town Council may pass ordinances
forbidding any person from carrying firearms or concealed
weapons and such other ordinances not contrary to law as
they may deem proper and beneficial to the town; they may
restrain and abate nuisances, may open and close, straighten