SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, that two new Sections be added to Article 21 of the
Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Talbot Comity," sub-
title "Easton," said new Sections to come in immediately after
Section 41A of said Article 21, and to be known as Section
42B and Section 420 of said Article.
SEC. 42B. The limits and boundaries of the town of Easton
shall be further extended, so as to take in and include all that
tract of land now known as "Community Park" adjoining
the present limits of the town as described in Section 42, as
well as all other lands contained within the following metes,
bounds, courses and distances:—
Beginning at the marble boundary line stone or monument
marked "Easton Corner No. 7. 1916" set on the Westerly side
of the road leading to Trappe (Washington Street) ; Thence
(1) with the Westerly side of said road, and crossing the same,
South twenty-seven degrees five minutes East seventeen hun-
dred and thirty-four and nine-tenths feet to the northerly side
of the County Road known as ''Dutchmans Lane," to a new
town boundary corner marked "Easton Corner No. 7A 1927;"
thence (2) North, eighty degrees, fifty-three minutes Bast, six
hundred and thirty-seven and nine-tenths feet, to another new
town boundary corner, marked "Easton Corner No. 7B 1927"
on the Easterly side of the right of way of the Oxford Branch,
Delaware P. B. & W. R. R.; Thence (3) with the said Easter-
ly side of the right of way aforesaid, North five degrees forty-
seven minutes East, fif tem hundred and forty-one and nine-
tenths feet to the town boundary stone or monument marked
"Easton Corner No. 8, 1916;" Thence (4) with the now exist-
ing Southerly town boundary line, North eighty-six degrees,
seventeen minutes West, fifteen hundred and seventy-nine and
three-tenths feet to the beginning boundary line stone marked
"Easton Corner No. 7 1916."
SEC. 42C. And be it enacted, That all unimproved land in
excess of one Acre contained within the above boundaries so
extended and lying South of a line connecting said corner No.
8 with said corner No. 7, shall be exempt from town taxes for
a period of seven years from June 1, 1927, and at the expiration
of said period of seven years the land contained within the said
boundaries shall be assessed upon the valuation at which the
same may be assessed upon the tax books of Talbot County for
State and County taxes, and no more.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from June 1, 1927.
Approved April 26, 1927.