orphan children and other dependent children, both boys and
girls, regardless of creed or race, which shall be committed or
intrusted to its care, to the end that said orphan and dependent
children may be instructed in and taught some useful trade or
occupation, and brought under wholesome Christian influences,
and receive at least such educational advantages as the public
schools of Garrett County shall provide.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That said Corporation
shall have perpetual existence, the right to have and use a com-
mon seal with. such, device and inscription as it may deem prop-
er, with power to purchase or otherwise acquire, hold, mort-
gage pledge and dispose of real and personal property sufficient
for its needs and purposes, not to exceed in value any real estate
at any one time, of more than twenty-five thousand ($25, 000. 00)
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That said Corporation
shall have the power and authority to enter into written con-
tracts or agreements with any parent or parents, guardian or
guardians, or other persons having the legal control of such
orphan or other destitute and dependent children, by which
said child or children is or are committed to the care and con-
trol of said Corporation for a limited time, or until such child
or children shall arrive at the age of 21 years, and said Corpora-
tion is hereby authorized and empowered to receive any such
child or children under any such agreement or contract, and
retain control of said child or children, for the time in said
agreement specified, not to exceed the time at which said child
or children shall arrive at the age of 21 years, and shall also have
the power to receive under its authority and control, any child
or children that may be committed to its care and custody by
the legal authority of Garrett County, Maryland, under due
process of law.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That any Judge of the
Circuit Court for Garrett County, or any Justice of the Peace
of said Garrett County, shall have power and authority to com-
mit any destitute or dependent child or children to the care and
control of said Corporation, for a limited time, or until such
child or children shall reach the age of 21 years, provided said
Corporation has expressed a willingness to receive and assume
the care and control of such child or children, which said will-
ingness on the part of said Corporation, shall always first be
ascertained by said Judge or Justice of the Peace, and the terms
and conditions on which said child or children shall be so com-
mitted and received, are agreed upon, before any such com-
mitment shall be made.