said warden shall receive the sum of five hundred dollars an-
nually as salary for his services as such warden. Said warden
shall be allowed a sum not exceeding sixty cents per day for
the keeping and boarding of each prisoner placed in said jail,
and the said warden shall present his bill for the said keeping
and board of said prisoners to the County Commissioners with
the proper vouchers therefor quarterly, whereupon said County
Commissioners shall issue their certificate to the County
Treasurer for the payment thereof. It shall be the duty of
the Sheriff to keep in his office an official record to be retained
there by him, and such book or books as may be required to
show all fees and charges to be collected by him, and those
which may have been collected; whenever, in the judgment of
the Sheriff, it shall be expedient and necessary for the safety
and welfare of the county for him to appoint temporarily an
extra number of deputy sheriffs, he is hereby authorized to ap-
point them, and it shall be the duty of the County Commis-
sioners to allow and pay such reasonable fee or compensation
as in their judgment they may deem proper for the services
rendered by such deputy sheriffs, but in no case shall such
deputy sheriffs continue to serve longer than the necessity of
the case actually warrants.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1927.
Approved February 17, 1927.
AN ACT to authorize and empower the County Commission-
ers of Baltimore County to borrow on the credit of Balti-
more County such sum or sums of money, from time to
time as the County Commissioners may deem necessary, pro-
vided that such loans in the aggregate shall not at any one
time exceed Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars
($250, 000), for the use of the Metropolitan District in Bal-
timore County, and to repay such loans out of the moneys
derived from subsequent Metropolitan Bond Issues, and pro-
viding that said Act be passed as an emergency measure.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the County Commissioners of Baltimore Coun-