Road Bond Issue, " then the provisions of this Act shall be
void and inoperative, and no part of said loan shall be nego-
tiated, and said bonds shall not be issued; and said election
shall be held under the direction of the Supervisors of Election
of Carroll County, and shall in all respects be held and conduct-
ed in conformity with the provisions of the General Laws of the
State of Maryland pertaining to elections in said State, except
that for said special election the said Supervisors of Election
shall select and appoint two judges of election and two clerks of
election for each voting precinct in said County, and said
judges and clerks shall be selected without any reference to
the political affiliation of said persons so selected and appointed
judges and clerks for said election, provided that said persons
so selected and appointed as judges and clerks for said special
election shall possess all other qualifications required of such
judges and clerks of election by the provisions of the General
Election Laws of the State of Maryland; and said Supervisors
of Elections shall, not less than thirty days before the day fixed
for said special election, notify and secure the acceptance of
their appointments by said persons so selected and appointed
as judges and clerks of said special election; and the said
Supervisors of Election shall give notice of the names of all
such judges and clerks, and in every case of their several resi-
dences and precincts for which they have been selected and ap-
pointed, by causing the same to be published once in one week
before the 19th day of September, 1927, in two weekly news-
papers published in Carroll County, one of which shall be of
the opposite political faith from a majority of said supervisors;
and on the day of said special election the polls shall be open at
eight o'clock A. M. and close at six o'clock P. M. and the said
Supervisors of Election shall forthwith certify the result of said
special election to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Carroll
County, as the results of other elections are certified to said
clerk under the provisions of the General Election Laws of the
State of Maryland; and the said Clerk of the Circuit Court for
Carroll County shall forthwith certify the same to the Board
of County Commissioners of Carroll County.
SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect on the first day of June, 1927.
Approved April 5, 1927.