not bid for, or if an insufficient price be bid for them, they
may subsequently be disposed of under direction of said Board
of County Commissioners or the majority of them, at private
sale, upon the best terms they can obtain for the same; provided
they shall not be sold for less than par and accrued interest, and
provided further that said Board of County 'Commissioners in
their discretion shall have the right to reject any and all bids.
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That the said Board of
County Commissioners is, hereby authorized to expend from
the monies realized from the sale of said bonds so much as
may be necessary in payment of the expenses of engraving,
printing and other outlays in connection with the issue of the
loan hereby authorized and for the payment of the advertising
directed by this Act and all other incidental expenses connected
with the execution of its provisions in connection with said
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That before the issuing
of said bonds or any of them, the question of the issuing of
said bonds as hereinbefore set forth shall be submitted to a
vote of the qualified voters of Carroll County, at a special
election to be held in said county on Monday, the 26th day of
September, 1927, and the Supervisors of Election of Carroll
County shall furnish the ballots necessary for said election and
shall have printed on said ballot the title of this Act, and upon
said ballots shall be printed these words, with a suitable square
to the right of each:
And, if at said election the number of ballots cast upon
said question and reading "For the Road Bond Issue" shall
exceed the number of ballots cast upon said question and read-
ing "Against the Road Bond Issue, " the said Board of County
Commissioners shall be and is hereby authorized and empow-
ered to borrow on the faith and credit of said county in an
amount not exceeding Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dol-
lars ($250, 000) and to issue bonds therefor for the purposes
and in the manner heretofore provided in this Act; and, if at
said election the number of ballots cast upon said question and
reading "Against the Road Bond Issue" shall exceed the num-
ber of ballots cast upon said question and reading "For the