said bonds when the purchase price shall secure a rate of inter-
est greater than that paid by the depositor or depositories
wherein the said money shall be deposited; and after the pur-
chase and redemption of any such bonds by the said County
Commissioners from the deposits to the credit of the sinking
fund, the same shall be immediately destroyed, and no por-
tion of the said fund shall be diverted to any other purpose
than the liquidation of said bonds.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the monies aris-
ing from the sale of said bonds shall be paid to the joint order
of the Board of County Commissioners of Carroll County and
the Treasurer thereof, and the said Treasurer shall keep in a
book, to. be provided for this purpose, a full registry of the
bonds sold, the different series, serial numbers of the bonds and
names of the purchasers, the amount realized therefor and all
redemptions or maturities thereof; and the deposits of the pur-
chase money for said bonds shall, when not used for imme-
diate purposes, be made in some bank, savings institution or
trust company under the same condition as hereinbefore re-
quired for the sinking fund money and the interest thereon.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the bonds so issued
to the amount of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars
($250, 000) for the permanent improvement of public roads
shall be designated as "Public Road Bonds Issue of...... "
( date of issue).
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That whereas provision
is hereinbefore made for a levy to pay the interest on said
bonds, if the said County Commissioners shall determine that
the interest payable on said "Public Road Bonds" can be paid
out of the general fund for county highways, they shall not be
required to make special levy for said interest, but may, in
their discretion, pay it from the general fund provided for
public highways or out of their contingent fund.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That if and whenever
the said Board of County Commissioners, shall determine the
construction or permanent improvement of any public county
road or roads and shall let the contract or contracts therefor,
and shall desire that the work of construction or permanent
improvement of such public county road or roads shall be com-
menced and carried forward before it shall be possible to issue