State Accident Fund, by including the salaries of the Super-
intendent of said fund and such other employees of the Com-
mission whose services were rendered exclusively to said fund,
and all other expenses incurred exclusively for said fund;
and the amount of such salaries and expenses shall be charge-
able to the State Accident Fund. And if there be employees
of the Commission, other than the members themselves and
the Secretary, whose time is devoted partly to the general
work of the Commission and partly to the work of the State
Accident Fund, and in case there are any other expenses
which are incurred jointly on behalf of the general work of
the Commission and the State Accident Fund, an equitable
apportionment of the salaries of such employees and expenses
shall be made by the Commission and the part thereof which
is applicable to the State Accident Fund shall likewise be
chargeable thereto; and the Commission shall authorize, in
the same manner as other disbursements from, the State Acci-
dent Fund are authorized, the whole amount so chargeable
to the State Accident Fund to be transferred from said fund
by the treasurer to the State Treasury to reimburse the State
for the monies so appropriated and expended in conducting
and administering the State Accident Fund for the calendar
year ending December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and seven-
teen, and for each calendar year thereafter.
As soon as practicable after January 1st, nineteen hundred
and eighteen, and annually thereafter, the Commission shall
ascertain as fully and accurately as possible the total payroll
of all the employers of this State, subject to the provisions
of this Article, for the preceding calendar year, whether in-
sured in the State Accident Fund, any stock company, or mu-
tual association, or self-insured, and shall also calculate and
ascertain the amount paid by the State for administrative ex-
penses of the State Industrial Accident Commission during
said preceding calendar year, including the amount charge-
able to the State Accident Fund under the preceding para-
graph of this section. The Commission shall then calculate
and determine the percentage which the total amount of such
salaries and expenses, other than the amount chargeable to the
State Accident Fund, bore to the total payroll, ascertain as
aforesaid for that year, of all the employers of this State sub-
ject to the provisions of this Article; and the percentage so
calculated and determined shall be assessed against all such
employers carrying their own insurance in proportion to their