Obligations, " said new section to follow immediately after Sec-
tion 12 of said Article, to be known as Section 12-A, and to
read as follows:
Section 12-A. Where a judgment has been entered against
two or more joint defendants in an action ex delicto, said de-
fendants shall be subject to contribution between them.. The
judgment debtor or debtors paying such joint judgment shall
be entitled to receive from the judgment creditor or creditors,
in addition to any acquittance papers which such parties may
mutually agree upon between themselves, an order to enter the
plaintiff's judgment to the use of the Defendant or Defendants
so paying the same, setting forth the date of such payment, the
amount so paid in satisfaction, and the name or names of the
judgment debtor or debtors so paying the same, and upon the
filing of such order of entry to use in the case in which said
judgment was obtained, said judgment shall be entered on the
docket to the use of the judgment debtor or debtors who shall
have paid the same, against the judgment debtor or debtors who
have not contributed thereto, to the extent of the pro rata share
or shares of said non-contributing defendant or defendants in
said judgment debt, and to such extent said entry shall consti-
tute a lien against the property of such non-contributing de-
fendant or defendants, upon which the defendant or defend-
ants who shall have paid said judgment may issue execution
or attachment as the case may be.
Approved April 5, 1927.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
81-A of Article 19 of the Public Local Laws of Maryland,
title "St, Mary's County, " sub-title "Orphans' Court, " as
said section was enacted by Chapter 213 of the Acts of 1920,
providing an annual salary for the Judges of the Orphans'
Court of said county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 81-A of Article 19 of the Public Local
Laws of Maryland, title "St. Mary's County, " sub-title
"Orphans' Court, " as said section was enacted by Chapter 213