was issued, upon production of such license and payment of a
fee of twenty-five cents.
91-B. Any Dog Constable, after having received and re-
ceipted for necessary blanks and tags, may issue such dog
licenses and tags. When a license is issued by the Dog Con-
stable, the said Dog Constable may retain as his fee for the
issuance of said license, reporting the same, and remitting pay-
ment therefor, to the Clerk to the County Commissioners, the
sum of twenty-five cents. Such report and remittance shall be
made by the Dog Constable at the end of each month; where-
upon the Clerk to the County Commissioners shall make a rec-
ord of, and otherwise treat, said license as though it had been
issued from his office, except that he shall also note upon his
record the name of the Dog Constable issuing the license.
Every Dog Constable shall deliver the book or books from
which he had issued licenses, together with the stubs therein
properly filled out and showing the name of each licensee, and
the number of the license issued to him, to the Clerk to the
County Commissioners, before the first day of July of each year.
Any person becoming the owner, after the first day of July
of any year, of any dog six months old or over which has not
already been licensed, or any person owning or keeping a dog
which became six months old at any time after the first day of
July of any year, shall forthwith apply for and secure a license
for such dog in the same manner as the annual license is ob-
tained under the provisions of this sub-title.
91-C. Any person may kill any dog which he sees in the
act of pursuing, worrying, wounding or killing any poultry
or livestock, or attacking human beings whether or not such
dog bears the proper license tag required by these provisions.
There shall be no liability on such persons in damages or other-
wise for such killing. Any unlicensed dog that enters any field
or yard shall constitute a private nuisance and the owner or
tenant of such field or yard, or other agent or servant, may kill
such dog while it is in the field or yard without liability or re-
sponsibility of any nature for such killing and any person may
kill a female dog running at large while in heat without lia-
bility therefor.
91-D. All monies arising from the dog licenses or taxes
shall be kept in a separate fund by the County Commissioners
of Kent County, and shall be used for the payment of dam-
ages for the injury and killing of sheep, poultry or other live-