thereof, as may be selected by the State Roads Commission.
After the Commission has provided for this expenditure, then
the Commission shall use and expend the balance of the pro-
ceeds from the sale of said bonds or certificates of indebtedness
for the construction or completing the construction of such
bridges in the counties of the State, and for the elimination,
in conjunction with the railroads, of such dangerous railroad
grade crossings, as may be selected by the State Roads Com-
mission, in its discretion, and in such manner as the said Com-
mission may determine, and the same rights and powers are
hereby conferred upon the said State Roads Commission in con-
nection with the said work as are possessed by said Commission
in connection with the building of roads; and the said proceeds
shall also be used, at such time and to such extent as the State
Roads Commission may find necessary, and in conjunction with
the accumulated tolls and revenues from the Susquehanna River
Bridge, in substitution for the bonds hitherto issued under
Chapter 494 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland
of 1922, known as the ''Susquehanna Bridge Loan of 1922",
the said bonds having been acquired for and being now part of
the Sinking Funds of the State, and having been pronounced de-
fective by the Attorney-General of the State, the purpose of
this substitution being to preserve the integrity of the State's
Sinking Funds.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the State Roads
Commission is hereby authorized and directed to ask for bids
and enter into contracts in the usual form for the construction
of such bridges and railroad grade crossings as it may from time
to time under the provisions hereof determine to construct or
eliminate, said contracts to be made in the name of the State
Roads Commission, and to contain the same provisions now re-
quired by law for contracts for roads.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the County Com
missioners of the several Counties of the State, and the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore are hereby respectively directed
to levy state taxes for the year 1925 at one-fifteenth (1/15) of
one cent on each one hundred dollars ($100) of assessable
property: for the year 1926 at one-sixth (1/6) of one cent on each
one hundred dollars ($100) of assessable property; for the year
1927 at one-third (⅓) of one cent on each one hundred dollars
($100) of assessable property; for the year 1928 at three-eighths
(3/8) of one cent on each one hundred dollars ($100; of assess-
able property; for the year 1929. and annually thereafter, to