tion of the said State Board of Health and shall perform such
duties as the said State Board of Health shall prescribe for
them to perform.
173. The State Board of Health shall enforce the provisions
of Sections 166 to 177, and shall have the power to adopt from
time to time, promulgate and publish by circular or otherwise,
such general rules and regulations for the enforcement thereof
and for the government of the analysts, chemists, inspectors and
employes appointed by the said Board as it may deem proper;
but such rules and regulations shall be the valid and legal rules
and regulations adopted, or hereafter adopted, for the execution
of the food and drug act of the United States of June 30th. 1906,
so far as such rules and regulations may be applicable to the
duties of said board under and to the purposes of Sections 166
to 177. The State Board of Health shall have copies of Sections
166 to 177 printed and shall issue them as far as possible to
persons, firms or corporations manufacturing or selling at whole-
sale or retail articles of food or drugs, and shall furnish the
same to all persons, firms or corporations requesting them. The
State Board of Health shall also enforce the provisions of Sec-
tions 255 to 258, inclusive, of Article 27 of the Annotated
Code of Public General Laws, title, "Crimes and Punishments, "
sub-title, "Health, " and Sections 410 and 411 of said Article
27, sub-title, "Poison. " and Sections 178, 179, 186 and 187 of
Article 43, title, "Health, " sub-title, "Commissioners of
Pharmacy. ''
174. The examination of specimens of foods and drugs shall
be made in the laboratories of the State Board of Health and
under the direction or supervision of such commissioner or dep-
uty commissioner, appointed as provided in Section 172, for the
purpose of determining from such examinations whether such
articles are adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of
Sections 166 to 177; and if it shall appear from any such exami-
nation that such articles are adulterated or misbranded within
the meaning of Sections 166 to 177, the State Board of Health
shall cause notice thereof to be given to the party from whom
such sample or samples was or were obtained; any party so noti-
fied shall be given an opportunity to be heard under such rules
and regulations as may be prescribed as aforesaid, and if it.
appears to the State Board of Health that such party should be
prosecuted, then the State Board of Health shall at once certify
the facts to the State's Attorney of the county or the State's
Attorney of Baltimore City, where the law has been violated, with