the Riverdale Corporation line, then with the Riverdale Cor-
poration line to a point north seventy degrees (70) west from
the intersection of the Edmonston Road with Carter's Lane,
running from thence to a point four hundred and twenty feet
feet west of Edmonston Road as it now runs and parallel with
the Edmonston Road maintaining at all points a distance of
four hundred and twenty feet from said road to the Bladens-
burg Corporation line, then with the north line of the Bladens-
burg Corporation line to the Eastern Branch, then with the
Eastern Branch to the beginning.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Town of Ed-
monston shall be divided in two wards, as follows: First
Ward—That portion of the town lying between the western
boundary line and the East Branch of the Potomac River.
Second Ward—That portion of the town lying between the
East Branch of the Potomac River and the eastern boundary
line of said town.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the officers of said
town shall consist of a Mayor, four Councilmen and Treas-
urer, Mayor and Treasurer to be elected by the combined vote
of the said town, and four Councilmen to be elected, two by
each ward, and such appointive officers as are hereinafter des-
ignated, or shall be appointed by the Mayor and Town Council,
and each officer appointed shall continue to hold office for suet
term as the Mayor and Town Council shall designate, or until
his successor is duly qualified. Before entering upon the
duties of his office, each officer shall take oath that he will
diligently and faithfully discharge all duties of his office with-
out favor, partiality or prejudice, and said oath shall be filed
among the records of said town.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That at the first election
of officers held under this Charter, after notice printed in some
county newspaper, the qualified voters of the town shall elect
a Mayor and Treasurer to serve the term of one year, and
shall elect four Councilmen, two from each ward, to be voted
for by the qualified voters of each ward, one from each ward
to serve for the term of two years and one from each ward to
serve for the term of one year. At the first meeting the Major
and Councilmen shall designate the time to be served by each
Councilman. At each successive annual election the qualified
voters of each ward in which there is a vacancy shall elect a
Councilman to serve for two years, after notice printed in the
same county newspaper. All citizens of the age of twenty-