"City of Baltimore", subtitle "Police Commissioner", as said
section was amended by Chapter 507 of the Acts of 1922, be
and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments to
read as follows:
745H. The Police Commissioner is hereby authorized and
empowered to appoint in his discretion one or more Police-
women to the police force of Baltimore City, with full power
to such Policewomen to act as conservators of the peace and
perform such other duties as the Commissioner may prescribe
and to be subject in all respects to such rules and regulations
as the Police Commissioner may from time to time adopt, and
the said Commissioner shall have the power to remove any Po-
licewoman appointed by him for the violation of any rule or
regulation of the said Commissioner. The salary of a Police-
woman so appointed under the authority of this Act shall be
the same as that provided for patrolmen in Section 745 of this
Article, including the additional compensation for service, the
said salary to be paid by the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, and shall be included in the annual estimate of expenses
by said Police Commissioner certified to the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1924.
Approved April 9, 1924.
AN ACT to authorize and direct the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore to pay a pension to Richard Martin.
WHEREAS, Section 36D of the Charter of Baltimore City
authorizes the city to pay pensions to any employee who re-
ceives an annual salary or compensation less than one thou-
sand dollars ($1, 000), but does not authorize the said city to
pay a pension to any employee who receives a greater salary
or compensation; and
WHEREAS,, Richard Martin was an employee of the said city
for a period of seven years, and while in the performance of
his duties as an employee of the City Forester's office, he re-
ceived injuries resulting in the Joss of his eyesight; and
WHEREAS, The said Richard Martin was at the time of re-
ceiving said injuries receiving a salary of twelve hundred dol-