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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 271   View pdf image (33K)
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abutting upon a street or right-of-way in which, under this
Act, a water main is laid, a water connection which shall be
extended as required, from the water main to the property line
of the abutting lot, said connection to be constructed by, and
at the sole expense of the Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy. When
any water main is declared by the said Mayor and Council of
Mt. Airy complete and ready for the delivery of water, every
abutting property owner, after due notice, shall make connec-
tion of all spigots or hydrants, toilets, with said water main
within a time prescribed by the said Mayor and Council of Mt.
Airy. Where the aforesaid fixtures do not exist or are of a
nature which, in the judgment of the Mayor and Council of Mt.
Airy, is improper or inadequate, satisfactory equipment shall
be installed. All wells and cisterns that are found by the Mayor
and Council of Mt. Airy to be polluted or a menace to health
shall be abandoned and closed. Any violation of the provisions
of this Section shall be a misdemeanor, punishable under Sec-
tion 16 of this Act.

SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That before any plumb-
ing, water works construction is done in any building, or upon
any private property, within the corporate limits of the town
of Mt. Airy, the person, firm or corporation doing the same
shall first obtain a permit from said Mayor and Council of Mt.
Airy and pay therefor such reasonable sum as the Mayor and
Council of Mt. Airy may prescribe. Such work shall be done
under and pursuant to such rules, regulations and require-
ments as the Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy may, from time to
time, formulate, and subject to such inspection as may be
deemed necessary. No connection of any kind shall be made
with any water main, constructed or maintained by said Mayor
and Council of Mt. Airy, without a permit and under such con-
ditions as said Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy may authorize.
Said Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy shall have the right of
entry at reasonable hours to all buildings and premises having
any connection with the water supply system tinder its juris-
diction, and may order and require such changes in, all water
supply connections as it may deem necessary, to eliminate im-
proper use of water. In order to prevent waste of water, said
Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy shall have the right of entry
at reasonable hours to all buildings or premises having such
connection with the water supply under its jurisdiction, and
may order and require such changes in all plumbing, water
works or water connections as it may deem necessary to elimi-


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 271   View pdf image (33K)
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