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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 270   View pdf image (33K)
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of property for water mains shall be determined from time to
time by the Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy as costs and condi-
tions require. Said benefit charges shall be paid annually be-
ginning in the year such construction is begun, by all proper-
ties located as above specified, for a period of years co-exten-
sive with the period of maturity of the bonds out of the pro-
ceeds of which such construction was done; provided, however,
that any owner of property in the residential or sub-division
or business or industrial class, may, at his option, extinguish at
any time said benefit charge by the payment, in cash, of an
amount which, if put at interest at 3½ per cent, compounded
annually, would yield an annuity equal to the annual assess-
ments for the period for which the bonds have, at the time the
option is exercised, still to run. The Mayor and Council of Mt.
Airy shall at any time permit a connection with a water main
by a property owner whose property does not abut on said
water main, and who has not previous thereto paid a benefit
for the construction of said water main, provided the said
Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy shall first determine the classi-
fication of said property, and a front foot charge to be paid
by said property owner as though his property abutted on said
water main, arid in the event of such connection being made,
said property owner and said property, as to all charges, rates
and benefits shall in every respect stand in the same position as
if the said property abutted upon a water main. The annual
benefit charges as above specified shall be a first lien upon the
property against which they are assessed, subject only to prior
State, County and municipal charges, and shall be enforced by
a judgment upon complaint of the Mayor and Council of Mt.
Airy before any Justice of the Peace or Circuit Court for Car-
roll County, and usual execution thereon. No such annual bene-
fit charges shall continue as a lien for a period longer than two
years from the date from which the same became in default,
unless it is reduced to a judgment and duly recorded among the
records of the Office of the Clerk of Carroll County. Said bene-
fit charge shall be payable at the office of the Mayor and Coun-
cil of Mt. Airy immediately upon being levied, and shall be in
default after 60 days from that date; and said levy, and any
judgment obtained as a result of the default of the payment
thereof, shall bear interest at the rate of 1 per cent a month
from and after the time said levy is in default.

SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Council of Mt. Airy shall provide for each and every property


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 270   View pdf image (33K)
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