Maintainance of Baltimore City Streets..
319, 484. 02
319, 484. 02
Motor Vehicles, Fuel Tax Account.......
625, 029. 35
625, 029. 35
Maintaining Homes, Hospitals, Asylums,
Etc., State Boards, Etc.
Board of Mental Hygiene................
5, 849. 54
5, 849. 54
Board of State Aid and Charities.........
5, 066. 94
5, 066. 94
Care of Poor and Dependent —
Aged Men and Women's Home...........
300. 00
300. 00
Baltimore Humane Impartial Society....
3, 000. 00
3, 000. 00
Chase Home.............................
500. 00
500. 00
Confederate Women's Home.............
1, 000. 00
1, 000. 00
Emergency Unemployment Relief Fund...
20, 000. 00
20, 000. 00
General German Aged People's Home....
1, 000. 00
1, 000. 00
Hebrew Friendly Inn and Aged Home....
2, 500. 00
2, 500. 00
Hebrew Home for Aged Incurables.......
2, 000. 00
2, 000. 00
Home of the Aged of Talbot County......
3, 000. 00
3, 000. 00
Md. Line Confederate Soldiers Home.....
12, 000. 00
12, 000. 00
Shelter for Aged and Infirm Colored
500. 00
500. 00
Church Home of Zion M. B. Conference..
500. 00
500. 00
Care of Children —
Baltimore Orphan Asylum...............
2, 500. 00
2, 500. 00
Boys' Home Society.....................
1, 000. 00
1, 000. 00
Day Nursery of Gibbons Guild...........
500. 00
500. 00
General German Orphans Asylum........
2, 500. 00
2, 500. 00
Henry Watson's Children's Aid Society...
8, 000. 00
8, 000. 00
Home of the Friendless, Baltimore.......
4, 000. 00
4, 000. 00
Home of the Friendless Children of the
Eastern Shore.........................
750. 00
750. 00
Jewish Children's Society, Incorporated...
12, 500. 00
12, 500. 00