STATEMENT B—Continued.
Act of Assembly
Chapter No.
Promotion of Agriculture —
Maryland Agricultural Society...........
5, 000. 00
5, 000. 00
University of Maryland..................
669, 340. 72
669, 340. 72
Interest on Investments for account of
University of Maryland................
4, 784. 49
State Tobacco Warehouses...............
86, 546. 65
86, 546. 65
Ground Rent of State Tobacco Warehouse
448. 11
448. 11
Miscellaneous —
Agricultural Fairs.......................
5, 000. 00
5, 000. 00
Peninsula Horticultural Society..........
1, 000. 00
1, 000, 00
Conservation of Natural Resources —
Conservation Commission................
8, 256. 09
125, 507. 28
133, 763. 37
State Game Protection Fund.............
109, 569. 85
109, 569. 85
Geological and Economic Survey.........
15, 420. 40
15, 420. 40
State Board of Forestry.................
37, 241. 11
37, 241. 11
Conservation of Health —
State Department of Health..............
| 290, 347. 05
290, 347. 05
Maintainance of Highways —
Maintainance of State Roads.............
1, 993, 066. 09
1, 993, 066. 09
Annapolis-Claiborne Ferry Co............
23, 876. 78
23, 876. 78
Baltimore-Eastern Shore Ferry Co.......
24, 500. 00
24, 500. 00
State Roads Commission, use of Sundry
175, 033. 00
175, 033. 00
Lateral Road Work......................
4, 871. 01
4, 871. 01