And I do certify, That at said election 1, 657 votes were cast
in favor of the adoption of said Chapter 340 of the Acts of
1922 and 2, 633 votes were cast against the adoption thereof,
and a majority of votes being against the adoption of said Act
the same was thereby rejected and repealed by the voters.
And I further certify, That at said election 2, 348 votes were
cast in favor of the adoption of said Chapter 498 of the Acts
of 1922 and 2, 313 votes were cast against the adoption thereof,
and a majority of votes being in favor of the adoption of said
Act the same was thereby adopted and approved by the voters
and remained in full force and effect,
And I further certify, That at said election 1, 937 votes were
cast in favor of the adoption of said Chapter 524 of the Acts
of 1922 and 2, 9(37 votes were cast against the adoption thereof,
and a majority of votes being against the adoption of said Act
the same was thereby rejected and repealed by the voters.
To the Voters of Dorchester County:
Chapter 199, Acts of 1922:
"An Act to authorize and empower the County Commis-
soners of Dorchester County, Maryland, to issue bonds to
the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars
($150, 000. 00) for the purpose of acquiring a new site for
a new public high school building in the Town of Cam-
bridge or vicinty, and the building of a high school build-
ing thereon, and for the building, repairing, renovating or
enlarging school buildings in Hurlock or vicinity or in
other parts of Dorchester County and to authorize the
County Commissioners to levy the necessary amount for
the payment thereof, and to collect a tax upon the assess-
able property of Dorchester County. "
And I do certify, That at said election 1, 729 votes were cast
in favor of the adoption of said Chapter 199 of the Acts of
1922 and 3, 228 votes were cast against the adoption thereof,
and a majority of votes being against the adoption of said Act
the same was thereby rejected and repealed by the voters.
Done at the City of Annapolis, this first day of
(Seal) December, in the year nineteen hundred
and twenty-two.
Secretary of State.