I, PHILIP B. PERLMAN, Secretary of State, do hereby cer-
tify, pursuant to the directions contained in Chapter 441 of the
Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1922, that at the
general election held on the first Tuesday after the first Mon-
day in November, in the year nineteen hundred and twenty-
two, there were submitted to the voters of the political units
of the State affected thereby, the following Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland of 1922 for their adoption or rejection
under the provisions of Article 16 of the Constitution of Mary-
To the Voters of Anne Arundel County:
Chapter 340, Acts of 1922:
"An Act to repeal Section 182B of the Public General
Laws of Maryland, entitled 'Elections, " sub-title 'Primary
Elections, ' providing for the party nomination of candi-
dates for County Commissioners in Anne Arundel County,
as the same was enacted by Chapter 114 of the Acts of
1920. "
Chapter 498, Acts of 1922:
"An Act to create and establish a new election district
in Anne Arundel County, to be known as the Seventh Elec-
tion District and to provide for the proper registration of
the legal and qualified voters and the holding of elections
therein and providing for jury service. "
Chapter 524, Acts of 1922:
"An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Chap-
ter 13 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland
passed at the special session thereof in the year 1901, being
Section 153 of Melvin's Code of Public Local Laws for
Anne Arundel County, sub-title, 'County Commissioners, '
and to repeal all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent there-
with, particularly Sections 191, 192 and 193 of Article
2 of the Code, of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title,
'Anne Arundel County, ' sub-title, 'Roads, ' being Sections
316, 317 and 318 of said Melvin's Code. The said Sec-
tion 153 providing for reducing the number of County
Commissioners from seven to three, relating to their duties
and qualifications and for road administration by them and
the appointment of a County Road Engineer by them. "