SEC. 12. The treasurer and bailiffs shall give bond to the
commissioners in such penalty and with such surety or sure-
ties as said commissioners may require, conditioned for the
faithful performance of the duties of their respective offices.
SEC. 13. The commissioners may pass such ordinances, not
inconsistent with law, as in their judgment may be for the in-
terest of the town and provide in such ordinances the penal-
ties and punishments for violation thereof; they shall have
supervision over the walks, streets, roads and alleys of said
town; may open and close streets, lanes and alleys, grade and
pave the same; restrain all disorder and disturbances in said
town; abate nuisances therein; grant and recall licenses at
their discretion for the operating or conducting of any and all
places of public amusement and entertainment and fix the fees
to be paid on the granting of any such license; and any ordi-
nance passed by said commissioners may provide for its en-
forcement by a prosecution before any Justice of the Peace of
Prince George's County. A majority of said com missioners
shall constitute a quorum and the act of such majority shall be
the act of the whole Board of Commissioners.
SEC. 14. At the first meeting of any board of commission-
ers elected hereunder they shall appoint three residents of the
town over twenty-one years of age to act and serve as a Board
of Assessors for the Town of Berwyn Heights. Said assessors
shall adopt the county assessment on all property, real, per-
sonal or mixed, and make up a full and complete list of said
property within the said town limits with the names and ad-
dresses of the owners thereof and file the same with the com-
missioners on or before the first day of September in each year.
As soon thereafter as is practicable the said commissioners
shall levy a tax on all such assessed property not exceeding
twenty cents per one hundred dollars as the needs of the town
may require. Such tax shall be levied as of September first
of each year, which is hereby declared to be the beginning of
the fiscal year of said town, and shall be in default after the
first day of November of each year and shall thereafter bear a
penalty of one per centum per month until paid. The treas-
urer of said town shall calculate the amount of taxes due by
each person and shall render a bill to the address given on such
list of assessments either by depositing the same in the mails
or otherwise, or if the address of any such person is unknown
to the best address ascertainable. All taxes not paid by the